Authors: João Pedro, Pedro Barbalho
This repository contains a few exercices on Network Analysis with academic purposes.
The files in 📂 MalhaAereaBrasileira contains exercices relative to the build of a graph dataset with data from brazillian flights.
The dataset is built with public domain data from ANAC about brazilian flights from 2001 up to 2020.
A more detailed description is in the Jupyter Notebook's files.
The files in 📂 ChairWikipediaNetwork contains the build of a directed graph dataset with data from Wikipedia Pages. The dataset is built based on the citations of each wikipedia's page, were a edge between A and B means that the page A references the page B on its article.
In the notebook's example, we're building a network starting at the Chair wikipedia page.
You can find a more detailed description is in the Jupyter Notebook's files and or in this Medium Article, where we also describe a few analysis on the network.
The files 📂 CatsAndDogs contains the build of a directed graph dataset with data from posts on social media Twitter. The dataset is built based on “retweeting”, where an edge between A and B means that A retweets post B. In the notebook’s example, we’re building a network based on the terms “dogs” and “cats”.
You can find a more detailed in the Jupyter Notebook’s file or in this Medium article, where we also describe a few analyses on the network