Note: This version uses Left/Right algorithm to solve the maze, No further development will be made on it
- Robot base: Modified Escornabot ( (
- Main Electronics:
Arduino UNOOgaki board from @abierto-cc - Motors: 2x 28BYJ-48 5V
- Motor Drivers:
2x ULN2003 breakout boards.1x ULN2803 in the Ogaki board - Power:
- UBSAN 610mah, 2S Battery.
- 3A 2-6S 5V BEC
- Sensors:
- 5 Sharp GP2Y0A51SK0F 2-15 cm
1 HMC6352 Compass (not Implemented yet)1 ADXL330K Acelerometer (not Implemented yet)
- @Escornabot creators for the design and software
- Mike McCauley for the AccelStepper library.
- Julien de la Bruère-Terreault for the SharpDistSensor library.
- Andrew Kramer ( for inspiration about implementing the sensor polling.
- ( / For their example to use 28BYJ-48 motors with accelstepper library.
- Anyone who create or share Open Source Hardware or Software.
SharpDistSensor Library for Arduino, By Julien de la Bruère-Terreault. MIT License
AccelStepper library for Arduino, Copyright (C) 2010 Mike McCauley. GPL V2
- Class Reference:
Fully working with left and right hand algorithms.
Software: None at this moment.
- Sharp GP2Y0A51SK0F sensing range is too short for advancing more than one cell per movement.
- 28BYJ-48 5V are too slow for a real micromouse maze and not as precise as they should.
- Read IR Sensors -> DONE
- Control motors -> DONE
Center of maze detection- > DEPRECATED- Right hand algorithm -> DONE
- Left Hand algorithm -> DONE
Flood Algorithm-> DEPRECATED