Corrections for the Book are in the file called "Corrections for the Book"
- CHAPTER 4 programs
- File name: Choice Model contains Bayesian Analysis Programs
- MervBayesI3b Main program
- MervPD.mat Data
- loglik is used to compute mstan.waic(log_lik)
- BayeAnalysis1 generate plots
- File name: Book Program contains Maximum likelihood Estimation to fit individuals
- Main main program
- FitMerv3 computes fit
- FitMerv3p computes predictions
- Matrices.mat payoff matrices
- Merv1.mat data
- MFit3.mat parameters fit to each person
- CHAPTER 7 programs
- File name: DFT Model
- DFT2ALTCRT computes prob dist of choice and time for 2 alt model
- PlotDTChoiceTime plots distributionS
- MDFTmains main multi alternative program
- fitMDFTs fit multi alternative DFT
- simMDF run simulations of MDFT model
- BuildsimMDF used to build simMDF_mex file (machine executable for speed)
- CHAPTER 8 programs
- mainIGTtoSGT main program to fit and test EVL model
- FitEVL1 fit EVL model
- bin1 fit baseline model
- IGT4001to4002 data from IGT task
- SGT4001to4002 data from SGT task
- Chapter 11 programs
- MaxLikeQuant4.m main program
- Lquant fits quantum model
- BarkanData empirical data
- MaxLikeFitsQ4.mat parameter estimates for each person