This is a quite simple game on PSP, using Staskless python + PSP2D.
Contact: [email protected]
I would like to try on a some small hardware the game creation. I've started with the fantasy-console Pyxel ("Pyxel is a retro game engine for Python" -, but the result was too limited.
Screenshots of the recent update, taken from the PPSSPP emulator (
In this reposory, you will find:
- The binary file "EBOOT.PBP" (just copied from the strackless python port for PSP) - Find it here: ;
- The startup script "" ;
- A set of files in the folder "engine". This is the game-engine I've created to provide a kind of framework, to build a RPG game (a zelda-like game) ;
- The "asset" folder contains pictures for the game - See the chapter dedicated to this part, for collision detection ;
- The "conf" filder is the description of the game: how trhe engine have to work with assets to provide a kind of game.
Thanks to:
Music API: