With nearly 20 years of experience as a System Analyst and Developer, I have a proven track record of delivering software solutions across diverse industries, including market research, preconstruction, fintech, and enterprise applications. Proficient in C#, Java, and modern frameworks like Blazor, Angular, and Next.js, I excel in R&D projects, migrating legacy systems to microservices and more modern architectures, with experience in Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Event-driven, and CQRS approaches. My expertise spans agile methodologies like XP, and Scrum, and encompasses DevOps practices. I have many hours working with cloud platforms like GCP and Azure, with a strong focus on continuous delivery, automated testing, and building API ecosystems, with infrastructure-as-code. I actively foster knowledge-sharing and innovation within teams, pursuing high-quality and maintainable software delivery.
- Design Patterns
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Scrum
- Network
- Financial Market
- User Experience
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🇪🇸 Spanish
- Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals
- Microsoft Specialist: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
- CertProf: Scrum Foundation Professional Certificate
- freeCodeCamp.org: Full Stack Developer
- EF Standard English Test (EF SET): EF Set C2 Proficient
- TOEFL: TOEFL ITP (score 610)
ThoughtWorks • Full-time
2024 - present
Technologies: C#
, Next.js
, Google Cloud
, Terraform
Software Engineer
SoftwareMind • Full-time
2021 - 2024
Technologies: C#
, Blazor
, SignalR
, Azure Service Bus
Software Engineer
Atlantico Institute • Full-time
2020 - 2021
Technologies: C#
, .NET
, Angular
, REST Microservices
, MediatR
, Office 365
, Speckflow
, Gherkin
PUC Minas
Bachelor of Technology • Multimedia Production
2021 - 2023
Ceará State University
Bachelor - Computer Scinece
Note: credits concluded, except thesis
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology
Technical Degree • Telecomunications
1999 - 2003
BG Concierge
Mobile application to search board games matching a filter criterion.
Tecnologies: React Native
Memoriae Urbe
Site of a game to be played in the city, where we provide clues of places and stick qr codes to be found (In Portuguese)
Tecnologies: Svelte
Site to search the name of a person within a list of vacination schedule in the city of fortaleza, on top of a of api that would get every available pdf in the city hall website, get its name listing, and search a name on it. (In Portoguese)
Tecnologies: Angular
, Tailwind
, NodeJS
Trello Merger
Python script to merge a specific trello list, from specific board, and merge the items in the desktop image, in windows.
Tecnologies: Python