This package is designed for use on Andes/Frontier and assumes you have a working miniconda/conda installation. To generate your own copy of our R env, folllow the following steps:
- Run
git clone
- In /env, run
echo "prefix: /path/to/env/dir" >> frontier_seurat.yml
- In /env, run
conda env create -f frontier_seurat.yml
- In the root directory, run
- Place your fastqs in /data/raw
- Create and fill a /data/metadata/sample_meta.tsv file (see metadata)
In general, a typical scRNA-seq workflow will go through these steps (in order).
- align
- preprocess
- cluster
- plot
- diff_exp
Each of these corresponds to an argument for the --workflow
command in the sc-flow pipeline.
- align:
--workflow align
- preprocess:
--workflow preprocess
- cluster:
--workflow cluster
- plot:
--workflow plot
- diff_exp:
--workflow diff_exp
Rscript sc-flow.R --workflow align
Rscript sc-flow.R --workflow preprocess --species mouse --load_meta
Rscript sc-flow.R --workflow plot --plot_type qc --species mouse --color_by condition
Rscript sc-flow.R --workflow plot --plot_type umap --color_by sample_ids
Rscript sc-flow.R --workflow plot --plot_type umap --color_by condition
Rscript sc-flow.R --workflow cluster
Rscript sc-flow.R --workflow plot --plot_type umap --color_by clusters
Rscript sc-flow.R --workflow plot --plot_type umap --color_by clusters --split_by condition
Rscript sc-flow.R --workflow diff_exp --diff_type cluster
Rscript sc-flow.R --workflow diff_exp --diff_type condition --condition_group atopic_dermatitis