This Docker template can be used to deploy various parts of and using Docker.
You can currently deploy the following using this Docker template:
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- PHP 7.0+
- Composer
If you want to get this up and running in one command, please ensure you have PHP 7.0+ running locally along with composer.
Then run:
php deploy-aladhan.php
The app will now be available @ http://localhost:8000
php deploy-alquran.php
The app will now be available @ http://localhost:9000
For the API (
php deploy-alquran-api.php
The api will now be available @ http://localhost:9001. Try http://localhost:9001/ayah/262 for Ayat al Kursi.
For the API (
php deploy-aladhan-api.php
The api will now be available @ http://localhost:8001. Try http://localhost:8001/gToH to get today's Hijri Date. NOTE: For all endpoints that require Google Geocoding, you will need to add your key in app/config/config.yml. You might get away with a few free queries, but Google won't let you get too far.
The code for the applications is now in the app folder in this repository. You can edit code directly in that folder and it syncs with the Docker Container(s) so you can see your changes in runtime.
You can commit directly from the app folder into the relevant repository for the app. Unless you're actually making changes to the Docker / environment configuration, you will not need to push to this repository.
This is based on