The CloudFormation template in this repo installs an AWS Lambda function and an Amazon EventBridge rule that detects the following events and sends out Amazon SNS notifications.
- API calls made by the root user
- Console logins by the root user
The CloudFomration template prompts for these parameters.
- The name of an SNS topic to create
- The e-mail address to subscribe to the SNS topic
The Lambda function that's installed uses two environment variables.
- SNSARN - Initially set to the ARN of the SNS topic that is provisioned by CloudFormation
- LOGGING_LEVEL - The value to be passed to the Python logger() function, initially set to DEBUG
An earlier verison of he code appeared on this blog post from Sudhanshu Malhotra.
The code was subsequently revised by Jeffrey S. Levine.
NOTE FOR CLOUDFORMATION STACKSETS: If you intend to deploy this template as part of a CloudFormation StackSet, please keep the StackSet name short. If you use a long StackSet name, the resource names will exceed the 64 character limit and will cause the deployment to fail.