Coffeesy is a full-stack application clone of Etsy with a theme of coffee. It is an e-commerce company selling handmade items and craft supplies. This application incorporating React and Redux on the frontend with Flask, Python and SQLAlchemy on the backend.
Live site:
- Create a new account
- Log in
- Sign out
- Demo user
- View all products and specific products
- Create a product
- Edit a product
- Delete a product
- View all reviews on a specific product
- Create a review for a specific product
- Edit a review
- Delete a review
You will be able to test the features without signing up by clicking on the "Demo User" button.
Once logged-in, you can see all your products and your reviews on the manage listings and manage reviews page by clicking the profile button. You can also edit and delete your products and reviews.
- Add the Shopping Cart Feature
- Add the Search Bar feature
- Add the Categories feature
- Add the Favorites feature
- Jenny Jiang Linkedin