This example will help you to configure a tier storage for your existing DHF. The trick is to create a partition with 0 forest, then rename the existing one to the standard format + assign the forests to it.
gradle mlDeploy
gradle importContent
open the workspace named "tierStorageWorkspace.xml" and execute the steps in this order:
- query assignment: change the final database assigment to query
- default partition: create the default partition with 0 forests (you can change the partition name)
- rename forests: rename the existing Final forest to hot-000*
- set forests to partition 1: attach the forest to the default partition
- create tier1 partition: create the partition 2 with a forest folder
- set query partition: set the query partition assiciated to the partition 2
copy the folder : tierStorageGradleConf/ml-config to ml-config
ml-gradle will not update the query partition if you change it directly in the project, you need first to delete the query partition with the admin rest api