A utility plugin for Wordpress that adds a dictionary post type, creates default categories A-Z if they don't already exist, modifies searches to only match whole words or exact searches, enforces full post display on dictionary category pages, sorts the posts by title instead of date, and adds a menu for entries which is available via the shortcode [dictionary_menu]. Only categories that are not empty will show in the menu.
To add dictionary entries, in the admin area, simply click on Add New under the new Dictionary post type.
There are two ways to the add dictionary menu. The first is to add the shortcode [dictionary_menu] to a widget area and then display that widget in the dictionary category and pages. The second is to insert generate_dictionary_menu(); into your theme's archive template file.
To view your dictionary, just browse to the newly created category: your-website-url/dictionary/
To add the dictionary category to your navigational menu, first go to Appearances > Menus and then click on Custom Links, and then add:
URL: your-website-url/dictionary/ (Or keep it relative: /dictionary/)
Link Text: Dictionary
And don't forget to save your menu update :)