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Super Code Generator

A powerful, fast, and scalable code generator that saves you time

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  1. Create superCodeGen.schema.ts
import type { SuperCodeGeneratorConfigSchema } from '@jeremytenjo/super-code-generator'

const superCodeGeneratorConfig: SuperCodeGeneratorConfigSchema = [
    type: 'React component',
    files: [
        path: ({ name, helpers: { changeCase } }) => changeCase.paramCase(name) + '.tsx',
        template: ({ name, helpers: { wrapInTemplateLiteral, changeCase } }) => `
        import React from 'react';
        import styles from './${changeCase.paramCase(name)}.css';

        export default function ${changeCase.pascalCase(name)}() {
          return (
            <div className={${wrapInTemplateLiteral('styles.wrapper')}}>
        path: ({ name, helpers: { changeCase } }) => changeCase.paramCase(name) + '.css',
        template: () => `.wrapper {}`,

export default superCodeGeneratorConfig
  1. Click right button in mouse and selected Create Component
  2. Pick component type
  3. Add component names
  4. Profit! ✨

Creates the following component when selecting type React component and inputting name button


import React from 'react'
import styles from './button.css'

export default function Button() {
  return <div className={`${styles.wrapper}`}>button</div>


.wrapper {

Generator Properties


Name of the scaffold eg React Component


Array of files to generate

usageInstructions Optional

Instructions the user will see when they type the component name

outputWithoutParentDir Optional

Determined whether to output generated code inside the parent directory


createNamedFolder - default true

Creates files inside a folder named based on the component name

outputInRootFolder - default false

Always output code in root folder

formatParentFolderName - default undefined

Format the parent folder name, must be a function that takes { currentName: string } and returns { newName: string }



Trigger function after component is created.

import type {
} from '@jeremytenjo/super-code-generator'
import shell from 'child_process'

const files: SuperCodeGeneratorFilesSchema = [
    type: 'React component',
    hooks: {
      onCreate: ({ outputPath }) => {
        shell.exec(`cd ${outputPath}`)
    files: [
        path: () => 'src/index.jsx',
        template: ({ name, helpers: { changeCase } }) => `
        import React from 'react';
        export default function ${changeCase.pascalCase(name)}() {
          return <div>${changeCase.pascalCase(name)}</div>

const template: SuperCodeGeneratorTemplateSchema = {
  type: 'Component',

export default template

Component Type properties

Properties passed to path and template functions

name: 'component name input by user',
folderPath: 'component folder path',
helpers: {
  changeCase: 'function to change case of a string',
  wrapInTemplateLiteral: 'helps add templates literals within a template literal'
  addEmptyTemplateLiteral: 'returns ``'

Change case uses the change-case library

Pro Tip: Add a prettier config file path to format your created files.