wig is a web application information gathering tool, which can identify numerous Content Management Systems and other administrative applications.
The application fingerprinting is based on checksums and string matching of known files for different versions of CMSes. This results in a score being calculated for each detected CMS and its versions. Each detected CMS is displayed along with the most probable version(s) of it. The score calculation is based on weights and the amount of "hits" for a given checksum.
wig also tries to guess the operating system on the server based on the 'server' and 'x-powered-by' headers. A database containing known header values for different operating systems is included in wig, which allows wig to guess Microsoft Windows versions and Linux distribution and version.
wig is built with Python 3, and is therefore not compatible with Python 2.
The default behavior of wig is to identify a CMS, and exit after version detection of the CMS. This is done to limit the amount of traffic sent to the target server. This behavior can be overwritten by setting the '-a' flag, in which case wig will test all the known fingerprints. As some configurations of applications do not use the default location for files and resources, it is possible to have wig fetch all the static resources it encounters during its scan. This is done with the '-c' option. The '-m' option tests all fingerprints against all fetched URLs, which is helpful if the default location has been changed.
usage: wig.py [-h] [-l INPUT_FILE] [-q] [-n STOP_AFTER] [-a] [-m] [-u] [-d]
[-t THREADS] [--no_cache_load] [--no_cache_save] [-N]
[--verbosity] [--proxy PROXY] [-w OUTPUT_FILE]
WebApp Information Gatherer
positional arguments:
url The url to scan e.g. http://example.com
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l INPUT_FILE File with urls, one per line.
-q Set wig to not prompt for user input during run
-n STOP_AFTER Stop after this amount of CMSs have been detected. Default:
-a Do not stop after the first CMS is detected
-m Try harder to find a match without making more requests
-u User-agent to use in the requests
-d Disable the search for subdomains
-t THREADS Number of threads to use
--no_cache_load Do not load cached responses
--no_cache_save Do not save the cache for later use
-N Shortcut for --no_cache_load and --no_cache_save
--verbosity, -v Increase verbosity. Use multiple times for more info
--proxy PROXY Tunnel through a proxy (format: localhost:8080)
-w OUTPUT_FILE File to dump results into (JSON)
$ ./wig.py example.com
wig - WebApp Information Gatherer
Redirected to http://www.example.com. Continue? [Y|n]:
--- HTML TITLE ---
Drupal 7.28 | 7.29 | 7.30 | 7.31 | 7.32 CMS
ASP.NET 4.0.30319.18067 Platform
Microsoft-HTTPAPI 2.0 Platform
Microsoft-IIS 6.0 | 7.0 | 7.5 | 8.0 Platform
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2 | 2008 | 2008 R2 | 2012 Operating System
Drupal 7.28 7 http://cvedetails.com/version/169265
Drupal 7.29 3 http://cvedetails.com/version/169917
Drupal 7.30 3 http://cvedetails.com/version/169916
http://m.example.com:80 mobile site
http://download.example.com:443 other site
CMSmap Drupal https://github.com/Dionach/CMSmap
droopescan Drupal https://github.com/droope/droopescan
/login/ Test directory Interesting URL
/login/index_form.html ASP.NET detailed error Interesting URL
/robots.txt robots.txt index Interesting URL
/test/ Test directory Interesting URL
Time: 15.7 sec Urls: 351 Fingerprints: 30560
>>>> from wig import wig
>>>> w = wig(url='example.com')
>>>> w.run()
>>>> results = w.get_results()