This repository contains the source code of my dissertation, it's a bunch of LaTeX files using the institution default template (with some changes).
It's about IoT, home automation, development methodologies and extensible arquitectures (no blockchain, yet). Oh and it's written in Portuguese, sorry about that but: HERÓIS DA PÁTRIA NOBRE POVO IMORTAL.
You can read it, cite it, just don't base your work on it without acknowledging the big fella here.
That's 5 years of learning condensed in just about 90 pages, and it could be a lot better, but hey, it's mine and it got the job done.
You can check the actual source code of the thing on this "organization"
um because this was for the great and all fantastic institution "University of Minho". homewatch because well, it's software that watches over your home I guess, so there's that.