Python API for Yi 4k camera.
It is based on official Yi 4k Java API.
Differences from original API:
- Commands are blocking waiting for result, while in original API they return promices.
- 'stopRecording' and 'capturePhoto' waits till operation is really ended and return produced file name.
- Values provided to commands should be correct strings, compared to integers in original API.
- 'adapter', 'adapter_status' and 'battery_status' callbacks are available in addition to all other. .setCB() used to set/get callbacks.
- 'deleteFile' and 'getFileList' commands require path relative to DCIM folder.
Try not to call same commands simultaneously from different threads: camera response is not clearly identified with caller and response can be mixed.
###Commands not implemented:
Redundant, available by http -
Redundant, available at YiAPI() creation -
Maybe later -
startRecording datetime
Lazy to implement due to specific input value format