Hi there! I'm Jorge Gidi, a Chilean Ph.D. student in Physics with a passion for programming. Currently, I'm working with quantum-inspired algorithms based on tensor networks during my doctoral stay with the QUINFOG group at the IFF - CSIC, in Madrid.
My scientific interests bridge computer science and physics, aiming for the efficient simulation of physical systems. This journey started with my Master's, where I explored Vlasov and PIC simulations of kinetic plasmas with the Plasma Physics Group in Chile, at the University of Concepción. Progressing into my Ph.D. at the same university, I have been working in the field of quantum computing, mainly focusing on variational quantum algorithms. I'm a proud member of the Millenium Institute for Research in Optics (MIRO).
On a personal level, I love nature and go on excursions to the mountains as often as I can. Also, as an inherent part of the quest to understand our surroundings, I believe in open knowledge.