It's a thing like OZMOSIS,you can flash it then you can install macOS without bootloader anymore.
如果需要定制其他主板BIOS可咨询https://jiangyurui.taobao.com/ ;
1.CPU目前支持12代酷睿全系,但因为定制的原因,请使用I7-12700KF以达到最佳效果; 1.The CPU currently supports the entire 12th generation Core series, but for customization reasons, please use I7-12700KF to achieve the best results;
2.显卡支持RX460,470,480,560,570,580,590,5500xt,5600xt,5700xt,6600,6600xt,6800xt,6900xt等免驱显卡; 2.The graphics card supports RX460, 470, 480, 560, 570, 580, 590, 5500xt, 5600xt, 5700xt, 6600, 6600xt, 6800xt, 6900xt and other drive-free graphics cards;
3.其他硬件请选择黑苹果支持的型号即可; 3.Please select other hardware which can be supported in hackintosh;
4.板载WIFI和蓝牙无法驱动(请更换免驱一体卡); 4.The onboard WIFI and Bluetooth cannot be driven (please replace the driver-free integrated card);
1.支持Catalina,BigSur和Monterey系统; 1.Support Catalina, BigSur and Monterey;
2.CPU超线程和全核心都可正常使用(I7-12700KF,其他CPU应该也可以,但是CPU显示会有问题); 2. The CPU hyperthreading and all cores can be used normally (I7-12700KF, other CPUs should also work, but the CPU display will have problems);
3.声卡和有线网卡正常使用; 3.The sound card and wired network card can be used normally;
4.定制USB2.0和USB3.0(由于数量超15个,所以主板后置USB3.0上有部分无法使用USB2.0设备,前置USB3.0无此问题); 4.Customize USB2.0 and USB3.0
5.macOS和Windows双系统(需要使用BootCamp来安装); 5.Support macOS and Windows(Windows need to use BootCamp to install);
6.Appstore正常使用,AppleID正常登录; 6.The Appstore and AppleID is used normally;
7.istat menus正常使用; 7.istat menus are used normally;
8.12代核显无法驱动,所以必须用免驱独显; 8.12-generation'Graphpics card cannot be driven, so it is necessary to use a free-drive independent Graphpics card;
9.睡眠,休眠正常使用; 9. Sleep, hibernate are normal;
1.请下载对应自身显卡的BIOS文件,用华硕的Flash Back功能刷入主板(具体方法请搜索各大搜索引擎查看);
- Please download the BIOS file corresponding to your own graphics card, and use the ASUS's Flash Back to flash the motherboard'Bios (please search all major search engines for specific methods);
2.刷入成功后,请准备一个Fat32格式U盘,把附带的EFI文件或者任意黑苹果引导EFI文件拷贝到U盘,然后用此U盘引导(引导后的第一个界面即可,无需进入系统)进行主板免引导激活,激活后就不再需要U盘,以后都是直接安装系统和使用系统; 2. After the flashing is successful, please prepare a Fat32 format U disk, copy the attached EFI file or any EFI file to the U disk, and then use this U disk to boot to activate the motherboard. After activation, the U disk is no longer needed, and the system will be installed and used directly in the future;
3.如果安装了双系统后需要切换系统的话,在开机出现主板LOGO时点击OPTION健(PC键盘为windows键或ALT键),直到左上角出现盘符选择界面即可; 3. If you need to switch the system after installing macOS and Windows, click the OPTION key when the motherboard LOGO appears at the boot (the PC keyboard is the Win key or the ALT key), until the drive letter selection interface appears in the upper left corner;