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  1. Assumptions:

  2. Maven is installed (, mvn command is available in PATH variable.

  3. Java is installed (, java command is available in PATH variable.

  4. You should be connected to internet, as Maven will download the dependent libraries for compilation.

  5. How to Build and Run:

  6. In the console, please navigate to the 'Byzantine' directory. It will have '' script file.

  7. Run the following command to get the executable class files: ````

  3. The above command will compile the java classes, run the RMI Registry, run 4 server processes (those act both as server and client).
  4. These processes will have indexes as : 0 - Commander, 1,2,3 - Lieutenants. Please see the log messages for the activities happening at each process end.

3. Run the Tests

  1. Open another console.
  2. Please navigate to the 'Byzantine' directory (same as in the step to Build and Run).
  3. Run command as following: ```mvn test```
  4. This will run two test scenarios. The first scenario has maximum traitor count as 1 (Order=ATTACK), the second test has max traitor count as 1 (Order=RETREAT)
  5. Monitor the other console, where all the processes were running.

4. The output of Step C and D 
  1. The output of these 2 steps are included in files output1.txt and output2.txt respectively.


Java implementation of Byzantine Algorithm.



