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Tags: jillh510/openopps-platform




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Bump version to 0.10.4



changes for moving repo to new home
open source governance model


0.10.2 - bug fixes

- destroy session and navigate to homepage on logout (#1337)
- on /tasks page, if one task is malformed, log error instead of blank page
- s3 setup for cloud foundry (#1341)
- when I look at someone else's profile, I see my opportunities (#1336)
- admin/tasks, fix issue where page would be blank if any voluneer has blank name, now display as “Unnamed” and added comma between names to make it more readable


0.10.1 bug fixes

- allow not-signed-in people to see opportunities (#1328)
- admin task export works again!
- home page call-to-action shouldn’t require login (#1325)
- added links to task edit form template (#1240)
- use .sailsrc to turn off sockets (#1330)
- Version appears in footer with link to release note, for pre-release now links to milestone progress (#1324)
- added preinstall script to make the theme work
- style improvements:
  - input text should be dark gray
  - popover style for viewing info about people: the task requestor appears close to top of page when viewing a task detail page, so the short/wide format is pretty helpful

many thanks to @dsiddy and @csarsam for contributing bug fixes!


upgrade SailsJS / Node, drop inactive features!

This is a major upgrade and it removes features that are no longer actively being used, most notably

all authentication except for name/passwork & MyUSA (easy enough to add others as needed)
Projects / WorkingGroups
We did quite a bit of refactoring and overhauled the tests, with both more and less test coverage, which we hope to improve over the next few weeks. This covers most of issue 1288 -- additional work will be split into separate github issues

a few things are temporarily hidden because there are known issues or they haven't been tested

admin participants list


check image type when uploading profile pics


Agency Admin + text/formatting improvements

Small improvements
update full-time detail description #1274
As an admin, it's confusing to see "Open Task" --> publish makes more sense #1277
fix typo: "Time Committment" -> "Time Commitment"
more consistent formatting of headers on task new page

docs about “Save as Draft”

Agency admin
- allow agency admins to log in from the UI
- Add Agency Admin User Role
- Add new Agency Admin user role.  Agency admins will be able to manage
their agency (not yet implemented).
- Update the database schema and User model to add an isAgencyAdmin flag
to users.
- Update the User Management admin page to allow admins to toggle the
Agency Admin permission.
- Add a new placeholder My Agency page at /admin/agencies/:id.

quick fix 1278: left side of dashboard blank




0.9.2 save as draft improvements