This code was based on the official xsens_ros_mti_driver
and tested on MTi-680-DK on ubuntu 20.04LTS with ROS Noetic.
Note: the SampleTime, UTC Time needs to be enabled, in order to get the correct sequence of the data packet(To group multiple data types(CAN Frames) into one packet): MT Manager - Device Settings - Output Configuration - CAN mode , select "SampleTime, UTC Time" and other required data, click "Apply"
Here are the recommended Output Configurations and Device Settings:
clone the source file to your catkin_ws
, and run the code below:
cd ~/catkin_ws
You might need to do catkin_make
two times if you had deleted the devel
and build
folders, because you will see errors with the custom message XsStatusWord
Source the /devel/setup.bash
file inside your catkin workspace
source ./devel/setup.bash
add it into rules:
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
At the end of the file, add the following line:
source /[PATH_TO_Your_catkin_ws]/devel/setup.bash
save the file, exit.
open terminal:
firstly configure the can0
baudrate using the
sudo ./
roslaunch xsens_mti_can_ros_driver xsens_mti_can_node.launch
or with the 3D display rviz:
roslaunch xsens_mti_can_ros_driver display.launch
use the below command in terminal to check if there is data:
candump -ta can0
topic | Message Type | Message Contents | Data Output Rate (Depending on Model and OutputConfigurations at MT Manager) |
filter/free_acceleration | geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped | free acceleration from filter, which is the acceleration in the local earth coordinate system (L) from which the local gravity is deducted |
1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series) |
filter/positionlla | geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped | filtered position output in latitude (x), longitude (y) and altitude (z) as Vector3, in WGS84 datum | 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series) |
filter/quaternion | geometry_msgs/QuaternionStamped | quaternion from filter | 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series) |
filter/twist | geometry_msgs/TwistStamped | velocity and angular velocity | 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series) |
filter/velocity | geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped | filtered velocity output as Vector3 | 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series) |
gnss_pose | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | filtered position output in latitude (x), longitude (y) and altitude (z) as Vector3 in WGS84 datum, and quaternion from filter | 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series) |
imu/acceleration | geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped | calibrated acceleration | 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series) |
imu/angular_velocity | geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped | calibrated angular velocity | 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series) |
imu/data | sensor_msgs/Imu | quaternion, calibrated angular velocity and acceleration | 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series) |
imu/dq | geometry_msgs/QuaternionStamped | integrated angular velocity from sensor (in quaternion representation) | 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series) |
imu/dv | geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped | integrated acceleration from sensor | 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series) |
imu/mag | geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped | calibrated magnetic field | 1-100Hz |
imu/time_ref | sensor_msgs/TimeReference | SampleTimeFine timestamp from device | depending on packet |
imu/utctime | sensor_msgs/TimeReference | UTC Time from the device | depending on packet |
pressure | sensor_msgs/FluidPressure | barometric pressure from device | 1-100Hz |
status | diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray | statusWord, 32bit | depending on packet |
temperature | sensor_msgs/Temperature | temperature from device | 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series) |
tf | geometry_msgs/TransformStamped | transformed orientation | 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series) |
Please refer to MTi Family Reference Manual for detailed definition of data.