TuriBot is a simple way to communicate with Telegram APIs in PHP
PHP 7.1 or higher with curl extension
composer require davtur19/turibot
Setup recommended: open setupWebhook.php in your browser and follow the setup wizard.
Manual setup: set webhook to the file webhook.php, and as parameter GET "api" set your token.
Example for manual setup:
curl https://api.telegram.org/botTOKEN/setWebhook?url=https://WEBSITE/DIR/webhook.php?api=TOKEN
Alternatively if you don't want to use GET, just change this piece of code.
- Look at the examples (webhook.php and getUpdates.php), it's very simple if you know PHP and OOP
- All methods have the parameters in the same order as the BotAPIs
- The
and parameters that require arrays, already have a json_encode in the functions, you just need to pass arrays
With the Bot API 5.0 it is now possible to self host your own Bot API, here is an example of how to add your own endpoint
//token, json_payload, endpoint
$client = new Client("1234:AAbbccdd", false, "http://endpoint/bot");
Only works with webhooks, for more info: https://core.telegram.org/bots/faq#how-can-i-make-requests-in-response-to-updates
I do not recommend using it as it may need a particular configuration to the webserver for flushing and you cannot get a response from the Bot API
I don't recommend its use, but it could be useful for those unfamiliar with OOP and would like to start learning how PHP and Telegram Bot Api work.