A lightweight TCP over UDP tunneling implementation.
In source code directory, run:
Open Visual Studio "Native Tools Command Prompt", go to source code directory, run:
nmake /f Makefile.msvc
The udptunnel program can run in server mode or in client mode. The command line syntax is:
usage: udptunnel -s [host:]port [-a acl] ...
or: udptunnel -c [host:]port -p host:port -t host:port
Server options:
-s server mode. server host and port
-a access control list
acl: [s=<src ip>,][d=<dst ip>,][dp=<dst port>,][a=allow|deny]
Client options:
-c client mode. local TCP server host and port
-t tunnel server host and port
-r remote host and port
Common options:
-v verbose level, 0-3, default is 1
0 - Error, 1 - Warning, 2 - Info, 3 - Debug
-h show this help and exit
Server example:
udptunnel -s
Client example:
udptunnel -c -t -r