This is the official repository of Training OOD Detectors in their Natural Habitats by Julian Katz-Samuels, Julia Nakhleh, Rob Nowak, and Yixuan Li. This method trains OOD detectors effectively using auxiliary data that may be a mixture of both inlier and outlier examples.
You can find the pretrained models in
Download the data in the folder
To run the code, execute
bash score in_distribution aux_distribution test_distribution
For example, to run woods on cifar10 using dtd as the mixture distribution and the test_distribution, execute
bash woods cifar10 dtd dtd
pi is set to 0.1 as default. See the for more details and options.
contains the main code used to train model(s) under our framework.CIFAR/
contains the code for reading datasets into PyTorch.CIFAR/
contains code for loading and analyzing experimental results.CIFAR/
contains code for testing experimental results in OOD setting.
Here are links for the less common outlier datasets used in the paper: Textures, Places365, LSUN, LSUN-R, iSUN, and 300K Random Images.