This is a pipeline that can use raw fastq files form either cohort-level bulk or single cell rna sequencing. The outputs will include a gene-level differential expression matrix (DESeq2) as well as a list of differentially activated pathways identified through a Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA). The pipeline also includes steps for removal of adapter features (trimmomatic), demultiplexing in the case of single cell sequencing, genomic/transcriptomic alignment (Hisat2/Salmon respectively), filtering of mapped reads (samtools), and normalization (Salmon/NOISeq/edgeR). Visualizations will be produced to illustrate data quality, verification of proper normalization, differential expression, and GSEA.
The basic workflow of the pipeline is depicted below:
To get started (assuming the user works in the Marth lab), a few tools need to be installed. The pipeline requires that the tools be installed in a software
folder that exists in the home directory (~
). The fastqc
, hisat2
, and samtools
modules will be used and loaded automatically when running the pipeline.
The first tool that needs to be installed is trimmomatic
to remove adapter sequences from single cell rna sequencing data. To install trimmomatic
, please use the following command:
First make the software directory if it doesn't exist:
mkdir ~/software
Next, install trimmomatic
(v0.38) in the software
directory. Use the following commands to download the program from source and unzip the file:
cd ~/software
The second tool that needs to be installed is the most up-to-date version of salmon
. Please refer to for more specific installation instructions.
cd ~/software
tar -xvf salmon-0.11.2-linux_x86_64.tar.gz
cd salmon_reference
mkdir build
cd build
make install
Follow the instructions provided here to create a R library folder. Once you create the Rlibs
folder, copy the contents of the Rlibs
directory provided on this GitHub page to that newly created directory.
cp $github_Rlibs_directory $new_Rlibs_directory
A list of the necessary packages include:
- data.table
- DESeq2 - differential expression
- stringr
- Rsubread - GSEA
- edgeR - normalization, differential expression
- tximport
- GSVA - GSEA, differential expression
- genefilter - normalization
- limma - GSEA, differential expression
- MSigDB ==> requires dplyr to install - GSEA
- biomaRt
- NOISeq - normalization
The next step is to orgnaize the directories. Within the home directory ($homeDIR
), there must exist a parent directory that contains a directory of fastq files, an output directory, a directory for the reference files, and a scripts directory that houses the scripts used in the pipeline.
- Copy the raw fastq files into the
directory (see below) - Subdirectories in the
folder will be made automatically by the pipeline - Files in the
directory include the reference genome, transcriptome, and index files for alignment. Please see commands below to obtain and index these files. scripts
directory contains all of the R scripts that the pipeline uses. Get these files from the GitHub repo.
See the commands below to make and supply the necessary files to the directory:
mkdir ~/$homeDIR/fastq_files
mkdir ~/$homeDIR/output
mkdir ~/$homeDIR/reference
mkdir ~/$homeDIR/scripts
## Get the reference genome file (build 37)
mkdir ~/$homeDIR/reference/hg19_fasta
cd ~/$homeDIR/reference/hg19_fasta
echo {1..22} | parallel --eta -j+0 'rsync -avzP rsync://{}.fa.gz ~/$homeDIR/reference/hg19_fasta/'
~/$homeDIR/reference/hg19_fasta/*.fa.gz > ~/$homeDIR/reference/hg19_fasta/hg19.fa
rm -rf ~/$homeDIR/reference/hg19_fasta/*.fa.gz
## Index the reference genome file
samtools faidx ~/$homeDIR/reference/hg19_fasta/hg19.fa
## Get the reference transcriptome file (build 37: gtf and cdna fasta)
mkdir ~/$homeDIR/reference/cdna_fasta
cd ~/$homeDIR/reference/cdna_fasta
rsync -av rsync://*
gunzip *.gz
cd ~/$homeDIR/reference/GRCH37_gtf
rsync -av rsync://
## Build the hisat2 index file
module load hisat2
mkdir $homeDIR/reference/hisat2 $homeDIR/reference/GRCh37_gtf/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf > $homeDIR/reference/hisat2/GRCh37.splicesite $homeDIR/reference/GRCh37_gtf/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf > $homeDIR/reference/hisat2/GRCh37.exon
hisat2-build --ss $homeDIR/reference/hisat2/GRCh37.splicesite --exon $homeDIR/reference/hisat2/GRCh37.exon ~/scRNA-seq_Expression_Analysis/reference/hg19_fasta/hg19.fa $homeDIR/reference/hisat2/test
## Build the salmon index file
mkdir $homeDIR/reference/salmon_reference
~/software/salmon-0.11.1-linux_x86_64/bin/salmon index -t $homeDIR/reference/cdna_fasta/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.cdna.all.fa -i $homeDIR/reference/salmon_reference/salmon_transcript_index --type quasi -k 31
Directory Structure:
|-- software (extracted files)
|-------|-- Trimmomatic-0.38
|-------|-- salmon-0.11.1-linux_x86_64
|-- scRNA-seq_Expression_Analysis (Set $homeDIR to this directory)
|-------|-- fastq_files
|-------|-------|-- This directory contains all of the raw fastq files with ${sampleName}_1.fq.gz format
|-------|-- output
|-------|-------|-- fastqc_output
|-------|-------|-- trimmed_fastq_files
|-------|-------|-- trimmed_fastqc
|-------|-------|-- hisat2_alignment
|-------|-------|-- hisat2_alignment_coverage_metrics
|-------|-------|-- samtools_flagstat
|-------|-------|-- featureCounts
|-------|-------|-- salmon
|-------|-------|-- DESeq2
|-------|-- reference
|-------|-------|-- cdna_fasta
|-------|-------|-- GRCH37_gtf
|-------|-------|-- hg19_fasta
|-------|-------|-- hisat2
|-------|-------|-- salmon_reference
|-------|-- scripts
|-------|-------|-- adapter_detection.R
|-------|-------|-- create_batch_file.R
|-------|-------|-- Rsubread_featureCounts.R
|-------|-------|-- NOISeq.R
|-------|-------|-- Rlibs (R library directory with all of the installed packages)
: defines the main directory that contains thefastq_files
, andscripts
folders. The parent directory to thehomeDIR
should contain thesoftware
: defines the fasta file thattrimmomatic
uses to remove adapter sequences (if necessary). Defaults to NULL. Options for this parameter include the fasta files provided in thetrimmomatic/adapters/
directory within thesoftware
folder. The available files (n=6) are listed below:
ls ~/software/Trimmomatic-0.38/adapters
NexteraPE-PE.fa TruSeq2-PE.fa TruSeq2-SE.fa TruSeq3-PE-2.fa TruSeq3-PE.fa TruSeq3-SE.fa
bash ~/$homeDIR/scripts/ $homeDIR NULL