An efficient Larger Than Life
implementation combing the best of Python and Rust. Learn more
Minimal python version required is Python3.10.
We recommend setting up virtual environment for a clean install and easy development.
python -m venv env
Environment activation
Windows: env\Scripts\activate.bat
Linux: source env/bin/activate
Package installation
pip install -r "requirements.txt"
To build the project simply run maturin develop
in project directory.
To run the application:
go to larger-than-life-app/ folder
and run:
to start a game
Controls: S - start. Go to game screen. R - rules. Opens window allowing to change rules. P - presets. Opens window to choose interesting patterns. L - load. Allows loading game state from file. H - help. Opens help window. esc - escaping to menu screen.
To run Rust unit tests:
cargo test
To generate automatic documenation for rust code:
cargo doc
It will generate htmls with documentation
For python code:
sphinx-build -b html docs/source/ docs/build/html/
Jan Rybarczyk & Jakub Matejczyk