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Xavier Mamano edited this page Nov 30, 2018 · 14 revisions

Automatic install (web based)

  • Using install.php.
    See Spanish installation instructions.

Manual install (terminal)

Make sure you have:

  • access to a shared hosting running GNU/Linux
  • access to the server through ssh
  • a mysql database:
    db name: my_aixada_db_name
    db user: aixada_db_user
    password: aixada_db_password
  1. Connect through ssh to the server and go to the web folder. Usually this is
    cd /var/www/ or cd public_html/
  2. Download the (zipped) aixada master branch from github:
  3. Unzip the zip file:
  4. Now you have a new directory called Aixada-master/ which you may rename for example in "aixada":
    mv Aixada-master aixada
  5. Go into the directory and its sql/ subdirectory:
    cd aixada/sql
  6. Connect to the mysql database with your user and password:
    mysql -u aixada_db_user -p
    mysql will ask for the password.
    If your database exists, make sure the collation is correct with the following command:
    >alter database my_aixada_db_name character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
    If you have to create a new database for aixada, do so with the following command:
    >create database my_aixada_db_name character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
    then tell mysql to use it:
    >use my_aixada_db_name;
    Now create the data tables and insert some default values:
    >source aixada_manual_install.sql;
    A couple of messages should scroll down the screen, after which you can quit mysql:
  7. Now go to local_config/ and rename the sample configuration file into config.php:
    cp config.php.sample config.php
  8. edit the config.php file with the database details and other configuration settings with your favourite editor (nano, vi, gedit, pico, ..)
  9. assure write access for these folders (depending on your server's configuration chmod 755 might be ok, or chmod 775):

Done! Go to your website and if all went ok you should see the aixada logo and login screen.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This manual install creates a default user (admin) with the default password (admin). After running the sql scripts and editing the config.php file it's a good idea to change the admin password when you first sign in. You can update your password under My Account > Change Password.

Manual install (remote host, phpMyAdmin based)

If you don't have access to a terminal window a second option consists of installing manually via a web-based interface to the database such as phpMyAdmin. This is a bit more laborous but still works.

  • Download all files to your computer. Edit local_config/config.php file and update the db_name, db_user, db_password fields with your current settings. Now upload all files to your remote host with sFTP (if you use plain FTP the symbolic links will get lost. See below).

  • Open your phpMyAdmin interface, choose the database where you want to install Aixada and:

    1. Change collate database: on tab Operations set option Collation to utf8_general_ci
    2. Start to import the following files:
  • Make sure the following folders have write access (with FileZilla for example right-click on the corresponding folder and select File Permissions.. from the context menu):

If your host does not support SFTP you need to rename the following files since the symbolic links that point to them have been lost (to check if the symbolic links got uploaded simply point your browser to the directory where you installed Aixada and see if the page is formatted or not). If pages look strange, rename the following files:

  1. js/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.min.js -> js/jquery/jquery.js
  2. js/jqueryui/jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.min.js -> js/jqueryui/jqueryui.js
  3. css/ui-themes/redmond/jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.css -> css/ui-themes/redmond/jqueryui.css
  4. css/ui-themes/start/jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.css -> css/ui-themes/start/jqueryui.css
  5. css/ui-themes/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.css -> css/ui-themes/ui-lightness/jqueryui.css
  6. css/ui-themes/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.css -> css/ui-themes/smoothness/jqueryui.css

Now you should be able to logon with the default user "admin" and default password "admin". Be sure to change your password straight away: My Account > Change Password.

Known issues

  • MySQL stack trace error: MySQL needs a bigger stack trace than the default value contained in many installs due to the stored procedures. Solution: augment the stack trace in the MySQL configuration file "my.cnf". Open "my.cnf", and set:
    Restart your MySQL client and that's it.