A simple Electron-based webapp which aims to emulate the power rankings format of Platchat - an eSports podcast for Overwatch and Valorant.
To use, simply open up the app and a default rankings will be opened.
To add a team, click the ✚ icon and fill in all the details. Click "Submit" to add the team to the overflow section.
⛔️ As of now, if you close the app your changes won't automatically be saved.
To save your rankings, simple click the "Export" button and choose a location to save out to.
To load an exported ranking, click "Import" and choose your file.
- Go to Releases and select the appropriate version to download
- Simply unzip the folder and launch!
Features that need adding:
- Click to add tier break
- Import logo from url
- Don't allow more than 10 items to be dragged into the main list
- Team presets dropdown list
- Save rankings as default preset
- Export rankings as image