👋 Hi, I’m Jod F. Pierre, bachelor of science in Computer Science from Federal University of Fronteira Sul (UFFS). My areas of interest are Software Engineering, Software Architecture, Machine Learning, Cryptography, Cloud Computing and Data Science. I currently work as a Backend Engineer at Compass.UOL and I weekly work at @mjcodegroup, a digital agency that develops software for people founded by me (with some colleagues).
- Programming: Data structures, C, Java, Python, JavaScript, PHP, TypeScript.
- Backend: Java/Spring, NodeJs/NestJs, Php/Laravel
- DataBases: SQL, MySQL && PostgreSQL | NoSQL, MongoDB && Redis.
- Others: Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Heroku, HTML5, CSS3, SOLID, Hexagonal Architecture, DDD && Clean Architecture, Keycloak && Auth0.
- 👀 I can build, from scratch to Deploy, scalable RESTFULL API or Microservices using: Clean Arch | SOLID | DDD | API Gateway | RabbitMQ | Kafka | Docker | Keycloak | Auth0.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning/improving DDD, Design patterns, Clean Architecture,System Design and AWS.
- I'm interested to learn/improve GCP.
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate to open source projects.
- And ... I'm an eternal Student