Feature: import and export calendar settings.
Feature: Migrate CSS to custom file locations.
Feature: Add modal option for all popup views.
Feature: Copy to clipboard for help & shortcodes.
Feature: REST API support for outputting events.
Feature: New default stylesheet.
Feature: Support 'current' as an argument in a comma-separated list of users.
Bug fix: User category limits need to be configurable for all users who can add events.
Bug fix: User category limits should limit the categories selectable by users, not just those editable.
Bug fix: Default events screen says 'All' but only showed 'Published'
Bug fix: Quick publish of a draft should keep user in draft events list.
Bug fix: Don't repeat geolocation queries if a location does not have valid data.
Bug fix: Should only require 'Add Events' permissions to set user categories.
Bug fix: Category list did not filter out unavailable categories.
Bug fix: Location slug callback had bad typos.
Bug fix: Fix PHP notice if $templates not an array.
Bug fix: Fix JS for list view to handle if an event has a language change.
Bug fix: Mini URL used incorrectly.
Bug fix: If primary category is already private, no need to check whether a private category is asigned.
Bug fix: Dynamically manage color in SVG icons.
Bug fix: Delete post meta when dropping database on uninstall.
Bug fix: PHP 8.1. updates.
Bug fix: All day events not rendered correctly in iCal clients. Props @drjoeward .
Change: Manage settings in a single database option rather than individual options.
Change: Improved design on print view.
Change: Refresh undeprecated stylesheets.
Change: Deprecate older stylesheets.
Change: show category icons in event manager.
Change: Render CSS variables using wp_add_inline_style()
Change: Render My Calendar main output without shortcode on defined home location.
Change: Remove a couple very long deprecated functions.
Change: Don't save default text settings; use coded fallbacks when empty.
Planning: Prep for removal of core CSS editing.
Planning: Prep work for new templating framework.
Planning: Updates to support future changes in My Calendar Pro.
Performance: caching of icon list data.
Accessibility: Improve aria-label patterns so user settings override.
Accessibility: Omit aria-label if link text is already unique.
Accessibility: Improve calendar navigation using AJAX.
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