My Calendar v3.4.17
= 3.4.17 =
- Bug fix: Only render event title filters when processing the event.
- Bug fix:
filter should run whenever description content is displayed. - Bug fix:
filter should not override disclosure close buttons. - Bug fix: If a theme uses H1 for widgets, replace with H2 instead of removing.
- Bug fix: Hidden event redirect could fire on non-event pages.
- Bug fix: PHP 8.1 compatibility fix.
- Bug fix: allow {color} and {inverse} template tags in style attributes.
- Bug fix: Cache busting on reset.css broken.
- Docs: Some docs fixes.
- Docs: Move some additional template tags to the uncommon tags array.
- Change: Update microformat classes to remove '.fn' (collision with block editor footnotes.)
- Change: Updates to search mechanisms for advanced search (Pro).
- Change: Add baseline CSS for search results in reset.css