This is the public git repo for the paper "Sensor Transfer: Learning Optimal Sensor Effect Image Augmentation for Sim-to-Real Domain Adaptation"
This code base uses Docker. To install docker, please use the following: [] To build the Docker Image, cd into the sensor transfer folder and run the following in the terminal:
docker build -t sensor-transfer-tf-docker .
There are also a good number of high quality docker tutorials provided on the docker website if you would like further reading.
You will also need to download the network weights into pretrained/tensorflow-vgg/ folder. You can download these weights (vgg16.npy
) from []
The two bash files,
, will run the sensor transfer network model for translating GTA to Cityscapes and GTA to KITTI, respectively.
The anatomy of the bash file(s) is shown below:
nvidia-docker run -it \
-v /path/to/JPEGImages:/root/dataset_real/VOC2012/JPEGImages:ro \
-v /path/to/synthetic/JPEGImages:/root/dataset_synth/VOC2012/JPEGImages:ro \
-v `pwd`/pretrained-networks/tensorflow-vgg:/mnt/ngv/pretrained-networks/tensorflow-vgg:ro \
-v `pwd`/src:/root/cityscapes-fcn8s:ro \
-v `pwd`/out-synthetic2real-weights-and-augimages:/root/out \
-v `pwd`/mean-images:/root/data \
sensor-transfer-tf-docker \
python3 \
--data_dir_synth /root/dataset_synth \
--data_dir_real /root/dataset_real \
--data_slug_synth gta_sim10k_voc_crop \
--data_slug_real cityscapes_voc_jpg \
--phase augment \
--num_epochs 4\
--learning_rate 2e-5 \
--gpu 2,3
The first two docker volumes map in the real and synthetic datasets.