OSnap is an attempt at cloning a pixel perfect version of the high-quality photosharing website, 500Px. Here at Osnap, users are able to make an account, share high resolution pictures they've taken on the site, and see a feed of recent content other users have posted. Below is the live site:
- ruby '2.5.1'
- Rails backend, version '5.2.1'
- Postgresql for the database
- React-redux for the frontend
- AJAX for fulfilling requests
- VanillaDOM for setting up the root element
- Amazon Web Service for image storage
- Account creation is seamless
- Errors clear upon page refresh
- Demo login to a test user account to further explore the site
- Images are stored in the cloud
- Accessible anywhere in the world
- See updates from your favorite photographers
currentPageState () {
if (this.props.isSignup) {
const signup = (
<li className='nav-flex-login'>
<Link className='nav-btn' id='login' to='/login'>Log In</Link>
return signup;
} else if (this.props.isLogin) {
const login = (
<li className='nav-flex-signup'>
<Link className='nav-btn' id='signup' to='/signup'>Sign Up</Link>
return login;
} else if (this.props.isSplash && this.props.currentUserId === 'null') {
const splash = (
<ul className='nav-flex-login-signup-container'>
<li className='nav-flex-login'>
<Link className='nav-btn' id='login' to='/login'>Log In</Link>
<li className='nav-flex-signup'>
<Link className='nav-btn' id='signup' to='/signup'>Sign Up</Link>
return splash;
} else if (this.props.isSplash && this.props.currentUserId !== 'null') {
const userNav = (
const pictures = Object.values(this.props.pictures).map(picture => {
if (picture.user_id === 1) {
return (
<PictureIndexItem key={picture.id} picture={picture}
deletePicture={this.props.deletePicture} />
} else {
return (
<PictureIndexUserItem key={picture.id} picture={picture}
deletePicture={this.props.deletePicture} />