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Ember Services for working with ArcGIS Portal/Online

Note This is still a very nascent project, and things will change.

We recommend locking to a specific version in your own package.json - although we try to avoid breaking changes,

ArcGIS Portal Services

After adding this to your project, you will have a number of services available for injection into your routes/controllers/services.


This project is now using ember-fetch, which is included in dependencies.

If you're using torii for oauth management, please also npm install torii-provider-arcgis. More information here. Otherwise, you can use the portalOpts parameter described below, but you need a service named session in your app or addon. You can generate a dummy service using ember generate service session. TODO: there's probably a better way to do this...


To consume this library in any ember application:

  • ember install ember-arcgis-portal-services

Shared Methods

All the services expose a set of shared helper properties and methods:

Property Returns Description
geocodeUrl string Return the geocode base url

NOTE: Most public methods take an optional portalOpts parameter. This takes the form:

  portalHostname: '',
Method Returns Description
encodeForm string This is used internally. Formats an object into a html form. In most cases, not necessary to call this.
request (url, options, portalOpts) promise This is used internally. Promisified xhr that does basic handling of Portal's 400-in-a-200 errors
getPortalUrl() string Get the portal url i.e.
getPortalRestUrl() string Get the portal rest url i.e.

Items Service

Method Returns Description
search(form) promise Executes via /sharing/rest/search. The form is an object properties matching the search params
getById(id, portalOpts) promise Returns the Item.
getDataById(id, portalOpts) promise Returns the Item-Data (/data).
update(item, portalOpts) promise Updates an existing item. The .owner property must be set.
create(item, portalOpts) promise Creates an item. The .owner property must be set.
remove(itemId, owner, portalOpts) promise Delete the item.
protect(itemId, owner, portalOpts) promise Protect the item (to avoid accidental deletion).
unprotect(itemId, owner, portalOpts) promise Unprotect the item.
getRelatedItems(itemId, relationshipType, direction, portalOpts) promise Related Items
addRelationship (username, itemId, destItemId, relType, portalOpts) promise Add a relationship between items
removeRelationship (username, itemId, destItemId, relType, portalOpts) promise Delete a relationship between items
addImageResourceFromUrl (itemId, owner, filename, url) promise Add an image at the specified url to the item as a resource

Groups Service

Method Returns Description
search(form, portalOpts) promise Executes via /sharing/rest/community/groups. The form is an object properties matching the search params
getById(id, portalOpts) promise Returns the Group.
getBulk(ids, portalOpts) promise Returns an array of Groups.
getItemsById(id, portalOpts) promise Returns Items in the group. Note: Does not currently support paging.
save(group, portalOpts) promise Creates or Updates a group.
update(group, portalOpts) promise Updates an existing group.
create(group, portalOpts) promise Creates an item. The .owner property must be set.
remove(id, portalOpts) promise Delete the Group.
protect(id, portalOpts) promise Protect the Group from deletion.
unprotect(id, portalOpts) promise Unprotect the Group from deletion.
users(id, portalOpts) promise Return array of users that are members of the Group. Documentation
addUsers(id, users, portalOpts) promise Adds users to the Group. Expects an array of usernames.
reassign(id, username, portalOpts) promise Reassign ownership of the group
remove(id, portalOpts) promise Deletes a group from AGO
join(id, portalOpts) promise Request for current user to join a group
leave (id, portalOpts) promise Request for current user to leave a group
isUserGroupAdmin (id, username, portalOpts) boolean User's group admin status
getUserMembership (id, username, portalOpts) promise Return the type of group membership of a user
updateUserMemberships (id, users, type, portalOpts) promise Updates membership(s) from user to admin or admin to user
ensureUniqueGroupName (title, step, portalOpts) promise Return a group name guaranteed to be unique in the org
doesGroupExist (title, portalOpts) promise Return a boolean indicating whether the group exists in the org
sendGroupMessage (groupId, subject, message, users, notificationChannelType, portalOpts) promise Sends a notification to the group. See:

Sharing Service

The sharing service separates setting Access (private/shared/org/everyone) from sharing with a group. This allows the methods to be more deterministic.

Method Returns Description
setAccess(owner, itemId, access, portalOpts) promise where access is null
shareWithGroup(owner, itemId, groupId, confirmItemControl, portalOpts) promise Shares an item with a group. confirmItemControl defaults to false. If set to true then itemControl (aka edit permission) is conferred via group membership
unShareWithGroup(owner, itemId, groupId, portalOpts) promise Un-Share an item with a group.
changeGroupSharing(action, owner, itemId, groupId, portalOpts) promise Actual implementation of the sharing. Action can be 'share' or 'unshare'
isItemSharedWithGroup(itemId, groupId, portalOpts) promise Checks to see if an item has already been shared with a group

User Service

Method Returns Description
search(form, portalOpts) (deprecated) promise Delegates to allUsers if user is authenticated or portalOpts is provided, otherwise delegates to searchUsers
searchCommunityUsers(form, portalOpts) promise Executes via /sharing/rest/community/users. The form is an object properties matching the search params
searchPortalUsers(form, portalOpts) promise Executes via /sharing/rest/portals/self/users. The form is an object properties matching the search params
getByName(username, portalOpts) promise Get a user object by name.
update(user, portalOpts) promise Update a user
signup (user, portalOpts) promise Signs the user up to the organization

OAuth Service

Note: This is not used for authentication - rather its purpose is to allow Application Items to be programatically manipulated.

Method Returns Description
registerApp (itemId, redirectUris, appType = 'browser', portalOpts) promise Registers an App item. Returning clientId, client secret etc
updateApp(clientId, redirectUris, portalOpts) promise Currently just supports changing the set of valid redirect uris. PR's accepted to expand this

Geocode Service

Method Returns Description
findLocationAddress(inputString) promise Returns a location address based on an input string that moves through a specified or default geocode url

Portal Service

Method Returns Description
getById (id, portalOpts) promise Get portal info by Id
self (portalOpts) promise Perform a portals/self call
update(portal, portalOpts) promise Update a portal. Lots of rules apply to what can be changed
uploadResource (file) promise Upload a file as a portal resource
addImageResourceFromUrl (url, filename) promise Upload a file as a portal resource, from a url
addResource (name, content, portalOpts) promise Add a resource to a portal
getResources () promise Get list of portal resources
removeResource (resourceName, portalOpts) promise Remove a resource from a porta
users(portalId, start = 1, num = 100, portalOpts) promise Get a portal users.
configureSocialProviders (opts, portalOpts) promise Configure social logins.
checkUsername (username, portalOpts) promise Checks whether the specified username is available
checkUrlKey (urlKey, portalOpts) promise Checks whether the specified urlKey is available
activate (opts, portalOpts) promise Activates the organization
addApprovedApp (itemId, properties, portalOpts) promise Adds an approved app to the portal. Used to create App Launcher entries
getApprovedApps (portalOpts) promise Gets all approved apps to the portal.
sendMessage (subject, message, users, notificationChannelType, portalOpts) promise Sends a notification to the specified users. See:

Folders Service

Method Returns Description
getUserFolders (username, portalOpts) promise Resolves with an array of folders
folderExists (folderTitle, username, portalOpts) promise Resolves with bool
create (folderTitle, username, portalOpts) promise Creates a folder
remove (folderId, username, portalOpts) promise Removes a folder

Hosted Service

Used to create/manage hosted feature services. Use the feature-service in ember-arcgis-server-services to work with features/records in the service.

Method Returns Description
serviceExists (serviceName, orgId, portalOpts) promise Check if a service exists
create (svcParams, username, folderId, portalOpts) promise Create a Service + Item
addToDefinition (fsUrl, definition, layerId, portalOpts) promise Add/Edit a layer or table to the service
updateDefinition (fsUrl, definition, layerId, portalOpts) promise Update a service/layer's definition


Configuration for how to connect to the portal is managed in the torii section. If you are using ArcGIS Online, the portalUrl property is not needed.

// environment.js
torii: {
  sessionServiceName: 'session',
  providers: {
    'arcgis-oauth-bearer': {
      apiKey: 'SECRET-KEY-FOR-YOUR-APP',
      portalUrl: ''


Running Tests

Note: Currently there are no automated tests for this addon. PR's welcomed :)

  • npm test (Runs ember try:testall to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit" target="_blank" class="rg-linkified-code">



Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue.


Esri welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone. Please see our guidelines for contributing.


Copyright 2017 Esri

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

A copy of the license is available in the repository's LICENSE file.


Set of promise-based, Ember Services for working with ArcGIS Enterprise API







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