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Releases: johndwells/craft.minimee

Minimee for Craft v0.9.9

02 Aug 06:18
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  • [Fixed] Resolve compatibility issue with BaseModel::getAttribute() signature
  • [Improved] Update dependencies to resolve incompatibility with PHP 7.1

Minimee for Craft v0.9.8

20 Apr 21:59
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Minimee for Craft v0.9.7

20 Apr 20:37
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  • [Fixed] Bug that was removing spaces in a calc() rule
  • [Fixed] A bug that would occur if using a legacy configuration syntax
  • [Improved] Throw different levels of exceptions based on severity of the event
  • [Improved] Exceptions thrown are now more readable
  • [Improved] Updated project dependencies (Minify 2.3, Zit 0.5.2)

Minimee for Craft v0.9.6

16 Dec 15:39
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  • [Improved] Introduced getSchemaVersion() so that future updates won't require your site to go down just to finish updating.

Minimee for Craft v0.9.5

15 Dec 00:53
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2 bugfixes, 1 new feature, and a bit more unit testing. Plus updates to the Readme including an updated, Craft 2.5 screenshot for those paying attention.

  • [Fixed] Allowed for protocol-less URLs when CURLing to remote assets
  • [Fixed] match link & script tags if they span across multiple lines
  • [Added] Enable/disable & override CSS Prepend URLs

Minimee for Craft v0.9.4

04 Dec 11:29
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Added support for Craft 2.5 features, including a plugin icon and release feed.

Minimee for Craft v0.9.3

05 Sep 12:49
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A small update that fixes two bugs:

  • Correctly use best logging method based on Craft version
  • Restore ability to clear caches from the CP

Minimee for Craft v0.9.2

14 Jul 08:39
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This release improves upon 0.9.1, for better error handling during migrations.

Minimee for Craft v0.9.1

14 Jul 08:31
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This minor release includes a bugfix that may occur when running the migration, where Minimee's settings have previously never been saved.

Minimee for Craft v0.9.0

13 Jul 07:31
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With the release of 0.9.0, you can now return the contents of a cache to your template, with the new returnType setting. Possible values for returnType are contents and url (the default).

This change prompted the renaming of settings cssTagTemplate and jsTagTemplate to cssReturnTemplate and jsReturnTemplate, respectively. Old names have been deprecated, and support will be removed with the 1.x release.

Here is an example of how to return the contents of the cache:

{% filter minimee({
        returnType => 'contents',
        cssReturnTemplate : '<style type="text/css">%s</style>'
    }) %}
    <link href="/assets/css/fonts.css" />
{% endfilter %}