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Add through the Interpreter, trying to understand pipetypes+gremlins
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johnmaruska committed Oct 20, 2023
1 parent 33f74f5 commit 3b645ef
Showing 1 changed file with 310 additions and 0 deletions.
310 changes: 310 additions & 0 deletions src/clj/hub/500lines/graph_db/graph.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
(ns hub.500lines.graph-db.graph)

(defn error [& args]
(apply println "Error:"))

(defn v [graph])
(defn add-vertex [graph vertex])
(defn add-edge [graph edge])
(defn add-vertices [graph vertices])
(defn add-edges [graph edges])

(defn find-vertices [graph args]
(map? (first args)) (search-vertices graph (first args))
(empty? args) (:vertices @graph)
:else (find-vertices-by-ids graph args)))

(defn find-vertices-by-ids [graph ids]
(if (= 1 (count ids))
(if-let [maybe-vertex (find-vertex-by-id (first ids))]
[maybe-vertex] [])
(->> ids
(map (partial find-vertex-by-id graph))
(filter boolean))))

(defn find-vertex-by-id [graph vertex-id]
(get-in @graph [:vertexIndex vertex-id]))

(defn search-vertices [graph filter-f]
(filter (fn [vertex]
(object-filter vertex filter-f))
(:vertices @graph)))

(defn find-out-edges [graph vertex])
(defn find-in-edges [graph vertex])


(defn run [query])
(defn add [query pipetype args])


(defn make-gremlin [vertex state]
(atom {:vertex vertex :state (or state {})}))

(defn go-to-vertex [gremlin vertex]
(make-gremlin vertex (:state @gremlin)))

(defn in-sequence? [x xs]
(some #{x} xs))

(defn object-filter [thing filter]
(every? (fn [[k v]] (= (get thing k) v)) filter))

(defn filter-edges [filter]
(fn [edge]
(not filter) true
(string? filter) (= (:_label edge) filter)
(sequential? filter) (in-sequence? edge filter)
:else (object-filter edge filter))))

;;;; =========
;;;; Pipetypes
;;;; =========

;;; what in gods name are Pipetypes anyway?
;;; generally they take a gremlin and produce gremlins
;;; in vertex case, take a string and make a gremlin
;;; So we start on a vertex, make a gremlin, that gremlin moves along
;;; an edge, creating more gremlins and spreading on
;;; conditions. eventually we hit an end point and go from gremlin to
;;; string
;;; "pull" gets a gremlin from predecessor

;;; what state is the state argument to a pipetype referring to?
;;; gremlins maintain there own state, it must be something else?

;;; SO roughly what I understand to be happening I still don't know
;;; how we step through each part of this but, we start by making
;;; a "gremlin" on a vertex. a "gremlin" is just a vertex id and some
;;; state. Each pipe takes in the graph we're calling on, args to the
;;; command which created it, some global state, and a gremlin which
;;; has its own state. A pipe can mutate the state and propagate or
;;; wither gremlins. Filtering is done by returning "pull", stating
;;; you have no gremlin, or by returning the gremlin stating it passed
;;; the filter. Movement happens by cloning the gremlin and placing
;;; them on new vertices.

(defn faux-pipetype [_ _ maybe-gremlin _]
(or maybe-gremlin "pull"))

;; addPipetype
(defn vertex-pipetype [graph args gremlin state]
(when-not (:vertices @state)
(swap! state assoc :vertices (find-vertices graph args)))
(if (empty? (:vertices @state))
(let [vertex (last (:vertices @state))]
(swap! state update :vertices butlast)
(make-gremlin vertex (:state gremlin))))))

(defn simple-traversal [dir]
(let [find-method (if (= dir "out") find-out-edges find-in-edges)
edge-list (if (= dir "out") :_in :_out)]
(fn [_ args gremlin state]
(letfn [(traverse-edge []
(if (empty? (:edges @state))
(let [vertex (edge-list (last (:edges @state)))]
(swap! state update :edges butlast)
(go-to-vertex (:gremlin @state) vertex))))
(initialize-state []
;; work with one gremlin at a time
(swap! state assoc :gremlin gremlin)
;; restrict to matching edges only
(swap! state assoc :edges
(filter (filter-edges (first args))
(find-method (:vertex @gremlin)))))]
(if (and (not gremlin) (empty? (:edges @state)))
(do (when (empty? (:edges @state))
(if (empty? (:edges @state))

(defn property-pipetype [_ args gremlin _]
(if-not gremlin
"pull" ; query initialize
(swap! gremlin assoc :result (get (:vertex @gremlin) (first args)))
(if (nil? (:result @gremlin)) false gremlin))))

;; state is behaving like a cache, map of vertex IDs to visited? bool
(defn unique-pipetype [_ _ gremlin state]
(not gremlin) "pull" ; query initialize
(get @state (:_id @(:vertex @gremlin))) "pull" ; reject repeats
:else (do
(swap! state assoc (:_id @(:vertex @gremlin)) true)

(defn filter-pipetype [_ args gremlin _]
(not gremlin) "pull" ; query initialize
;; object filter applies
(map? (first args)) (if (object-filter (:vertex @gremlin) (first args))
gremlin "pull")

(not (fn? (first args)))
(do (error (str "Filter is not a function: " (first args)))
gremlin) ; move along
;; fails filter
(not ((first args) (:vertex @gremlin) gremlin)) "pull"
;; passes filter
:else gremlin))

(defn take-pipetype [_ args gremlin state]
(swap! state update :taken (fn [x] (or x 0))) ; state initialize
(= (first args) (:taken @state))
(do (swap! state assoc :taken 0)

(not gremlin)

(do (update state :taken inc)

(defn as-pipetype [_ args gremlin _]
(if (not gremlin)
(swap! gremlin update-in [:state :as]
;; set the label to vertex
assoc (first args) (:vertex @gremlin))))

(defn merge-pipetype [graph args gremlin state]
;; state init
(when (and gremlin (empty? (:vertices @state)))
(let [obj (or (-> @gremlin :state :as) {})]
(->> args
(map (fn [i] obj i))
(filter boolean)
(swap! state assoc :vertices))))
(and (not (:vertices @state)) (not gremlin)) ; query init

(empty? (:vertices @state)) ; batch done

(let [vertex (last (:vertices @state))]
(swap! state update :edges butlast)
(make-gremlin vertex (:state @gremlin)))))

(defn except-pipetype [graph args gremlin state]
(not gremlin)

(= (:vertex @gremlin) (get-in @gremlin [:state :as (first args)]))


(defn back-pipetype [graph args gremlin state]
(if (not gremlin)
(go-to-vertex gremlin (get-in @gremlin [:state :as (first args)]))))

(def pipetypes
{"vertex" vertex-pipetype
"in" (simple-traversal "in")
"out" (simple-traversal "out")
"property" property-pipetype
"unique" unique-pipetype
"filter" filter-pipetype
"take" take-pipetype
"as" as-pipetype
"back" back-pipetype
"except" except-pipetype
"merge" merge-pipetype})

(defn get-pipetype [name]
(or (get pipetypes name) faux-pipetype))

;;;; Interpreter time

;; read the step, eval pipetype function
;; input: (entire graph, own args, maybe gremlin, own local state)
;; output: one of [gremlin, false, "pull", "done"]
;; interpreter's state is "steps that are done" and "results"

(def MAX 100)

(defn try-previous-pipe [{:keys [pc] :as acc}]
(merge acc {:pc (dec pc) :maybe-gremlin false}))

(defn previous-pipe-finished [{:keys [pc] :as acc}]
(merge acc {:done pc :maybe-gremlin false}))

(defn pipe-done [{:keys [maybe-gremlin pc] :as acc}]
(assoc acc :maybe-gremlin false :done pc))

(defn pipe-popped [{:keys [results done maybe-gremlin pc]} max]
{:results (if maybe-gremlin
(conj results maybe-gremlin)
:done done
:maybe-gremlin false
:pc (dec pc)})

(defn move-page [acc max]
(let [acc (update acc :pc inc)
gremlin (:maybe-gremlin acc)
results (:results acc)
pc (:pc acc)] ;; next page
(if (< max pc) ; too far
(merge {:results (if gremlin (conj results gremlin) results)
:maybe-gremlin false
:pc (dec pc)})

(defn show-properties [results]
(map (fn [gremlin]
(or (:result @gremlin) (:vertex @gremlin)))

(defn run [query]
(let [;; Transform
max (dec (count (:program @query)))]
(loop [acc {:results []
:done -1
:maybe-gremlin false
:pc MAX}]
(let [step (get-in @query [:program (:pc acc)])
;; This probably needs to be an atom
state (get-in @query [:state (:pc acc)] {})
pipetype (get-pipetype (first step))
maybe-gremlin (pipetype (:graph @query) (nth step 1)
(:maybe-gremlin acc) state)]
(< max (:done acc)) (:results acc)

(and (= "pull" maybe-gremlin)
(> (dec (:pc acc)) (:done acc)))
(recur (try-previous-pipe acc))

(recur (cond-> acc
(= "pull" maybe-gremlin) (previous-pipe-finished)
(= "done" maybe-gremlin) (pipe-done)
true (move-page max))))))))

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