Run the program from the image-analyzer directory the filepaths are not absolute therefore a command should look like: ruby bin/imageanalyzer --task RUN
Usage: image_analyzer.rb [options]
--start N Search at the Nth result and start indexing at the Nth filename
--size N Search for and save the N images.
--task [DOWNLOAD|RUN] Download images or run images through pipeline.
--pipeline p1,p2,p3 Designate which parts of the pipeline to run. There is tesseract, laplace, sobel, and filter.
--query query Customize the search term to find new images. The default is credit cards.
ruby bin/image_analyzer.rb --task download --start 0 --size 20 --query 'drivers license'
ruby bin/image_analyzer.rb --task run --pipeline laplace,tesseract,filter
Tesseract needs to be able to be run from the command line. Follow their instructions to install.
OpenCV can be downloaded from
It then needs to be compiled, instructions on Mac:
- Ensure CMake is installed ("sudo port install cmake")
- Create a build directory under the parent directory
- Run "cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" .."
- Run "make -j8"
- Run "sudo make install"
Install individual opencv processor
- rm -rf CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles/ Makefile cmake_install.cmake sobel
- cmake .
- make
Lastly run
ruby install.rb
Run all unit tests.
rspec bin/*_spec.rb
- ruby gems
- google-search
- tesseract-ocr (interface for c program)
- Rmagick which requires port install imagemagick on Mac OSX
- c programs
- tesseract-ocr