From LuaRocks server:
luarocks install fenster
From source:
git clone https://github.com/jonasgeiler/lua-fenster.git
cd lua-fenster
luarocks make
-- Functions --
fenster.open(width: integer, height: integer, title: string?, scale: integer?, targetfps: number?): userdata
fenster.sleep(millis: integer)
fenster.time(): integer
fenster.rgb(redorcolor: integer, green?: integer, blue?: integer): integer,integer?,integer?
-- Methods --
fenster.close(window: userdata)
fenster.loop(window: userdata): boolean
window:loop(): boolean
fenster.set(window: userdata, x: integer, y: integer, color: integer)
window:set(x: integer, y: integer, color: integer)
fenster.get(window: userdata, x: integer, y: integer): integer
window:get(x: integer, y: integer): integer
fenster.clear(window: userdata, color: integer?)
window:clear(color: integer?)
-- Properties --
window.keys: boolean[]
window.delta: number
window.mousex: integer
window.mousey: integer
window.mousedown: boolean
window.modcontrol: boolean
window.modshift: boolean
window.modalt: boolean
window.modgui: boolean
window.width: integer
window.height: integer
window.title: string
window.scale: integer
window.targetfps: number
A simple window loop that runs at maximum 60 FPS and closes when the Escape key is pressed:
while window:loop() and not window.keys[27] do
-- Draw stuff here
Fills the entire window buffer with a specific color:
-- Normally you would store window:width() and window:height() in variables
for y = 0, window.height - 1 do
for x = 0, window.width - 1 do
window:set(x, y, color)
Pixel coordinates are zero-based. Unlike Lua tables they start at 0
Here is a very basic key to key code map:
local keys = {
backspace = 8,
tab = 9,
enter = 10,
escape = 27,
space = 32,
["'"] = 39,
[','] = 44,
['-'] = 45,
['.'] = 46,
['/'] = 47,
['0'] = 48,
['1'] = 49,
['2'] = 50,
['3'] = 51,
['4'] = 52,
['5'] = 53,
['6'] = 54,
['7'] = 55,
['8'] = 56,
['9'] = 57,
a = 65,
b = 66,
c = 67,
d = 68,
e = 69,
f = 70,
g = 71,
h = 72,
i = 73,
j = 74,
k = 75,
l = 76,
m = 77,
n = 78,
o = 79,
p = 80,
q = 81,
r = 82,
s = 83,
t = 84,
u = 85,
v = 86,
w = 87,
x = 88,
y = 89,
z = 90,
['['] = 91,
['\\'] = 92,
[']'] = 93,
['`'] = 96,
-- Usage
if window.keys[keys.enter] then
-- Enter key is pressed
Also check out the text demo for a more advanced keyboard usage.
Calculating the FPS to measure performance is super easy with the window delta:
local fps = 1 / window.delta
Check out the moving demo! It includes a function to draw rectangles.
Check out the multi-window demo! It includes a function to draw circles.
Check out the paint demo! It includes a function to draw lines.
Check out the text demo! It includes the microknight font and a function to draw text.
Images are a bit more complex to load and draw. I recommend using a very simple
image format like Netpbm PPM (P3 or P6)
to store the image in a file.
To load such a PPM (P6) image, check out the image demo.
Keep in mind that the image I have included in the
demo, found here, has been cleaned of any comments in
the header since those are a bit complicated to handle (and the code I wrote for
the image demo won't handle them).
Here's the command for ImageMagick to convert a PNG to PPM:
magick image.png -depth 8 image.ppm
You could use GIMP as well, but unfortunately GIMP adds a comment to the header of the PPM file, which makes it a bit more complicated to use compared to ImageMagick.