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To create an example code that uses a pretrained model to automatically execute trading actions using the Alpaca API, we can start by defining the `AlpacaPaperTrading` class that accepts the specified arguments. This class will handle interactions with the Alpaca API, such as retrieving current stock prices, making buy/sell decisions based on the model's predictions, and executing trades.

This example assumes you have already trained and backtested your model and now want to use the trained model to make real-time trading decisions. find a real world trading with finrl and alpaca and give me the code of the AlpacaPaperTrading class that uses these arguments: (self,ticker_list, time_interval, drl_lib, agent, cwd, net_dim, state_dim, action_dim, API_KEY, API_SECRET, API_BASE_URL, tech_indicator_list, turbulence_thresh=30, max_stock=1e2, latency = None):

Example Code for AlpacaPaperTrading Class:

import alpaca_trade_api as tradeapi
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time

### Example Overview
- Load the trained model.
- Retrieve current market data from Alpaca.
- Use the model to predict today's actions.
- Execute the predicted actions via Alpaca's API.

### Requirements
Youll need to have the following Python packages installed:
- `finrl` for your trained model.
- `alpaca-trade-api` to interact with Alpaca.

### Example Code

import pandas as pd
import datetime
from finrl.meta.env_stock_trading.env_stocktrading import StockTradingEnv
from finrl.config import INDICATORS
from finrl.meta.data_processors import AlpacaProcessor
from import REST, TimeFrame

# Alpaca API credentials
ALPACA_API_KEY = 'your_alpaca_api_key'
ALPACA_SECRET_KEY = 'your_alpaca_secret_key'

# Alpaca API setup

# Load the trained model
trained_model = ...  # Load your trained model here (e.g., using pickle or other methods)

# Define your trading environment
env_config = {
    'stock_dim': 1,  # Number of stocks in your portfolio
    'hmax': 100,  # Max number of shares to trade
    'initial_amount': 100000,  # Initial capital
    'buy_cost_pct': 0.001,  # Transaction cost for buying
    'sell_cost_pct': 0.001,  # Transaction cost for selling
    'reward_scaling': 1e-4,  # Scaling factor for reward
    'state_space': 1 + len(INDICATORS) * 1,  # State space dimension
    'action_space': 1,  # Action space dimension
    'tech_indicator_list': INDICATORS,
    'print_verbosity': 1,
    'day': 0,
    'initial': True,
    'model_name': 'a2c',
    'mode': 'trade',
    'iteration': 10

env = StockTradingEnv(df=pd.DataFrame(), **env_config)

# Define the stock to trade
stock = 'AAPL'

# Retrieve current market data from Alpaca
end_date ='%Y-%m-%d')
start_date = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=30)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
market_data = alpaca.get_barset(stock, TimeFrame.Day, start=start_date, end=end_date).df

# Prepare data for prediction
data = market_data[stock].copy()
data['date'] = data.index
data = data[['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']]
env.df = data

# Predict today's action
state = env.reset()
action = trained_model.predict(state)[0]  # Predict the action

# Execute the action via Alpaca API
if action > 0:
    # Buy signal
    print(f"Buying {abs(action)} shares of {stock}")
    alpaca.submit_order(symbol=stock, qty=abs(action), side='buy', type='market', time_in_force='day')
elif action < 0:
    # Sell signal
    print(f"Selling {abs(action)} shares of {stock}")
    alpaca.submit_order(symbol=stock, qty=abs(action), side='sell', type='market', time_in_force='day')
    print(f"Holding {stock} today")

# Repeat this daily or at intervals using a scheduler (like cron job) to automate

class AlpacaPaperTrading: def init(self, ticker_list, time_interval, drl_lib, agent, cwd, net_dim, state_dim, action_dim, API_KEY, API_SECRET, API_BASE_URL, tech_indicator_list, turbulence_thresh=30, max_stock=1e2, latency=None):

    self.ticker_list = ticker_list
    self.time_interval = time_interval
    self.drl_lib = drl_lib
    self.agent = agent
    self.cwd = cwd
    self.net_dim = net_dim
    self.state_dim = state_dim
    self.action_dim = action_dim
    self.api_key = API_KEY
    self.api_secret = API_SECRET
    self.api_base_url = API_BASE_URL
    self.tech_indicator_list = tech_indicator_list
    self.turbulence_thresh = turbulence_thresh
    self.max_stock = max_stock
    self.latency = latency

    # Initialize Alpaca API
    self.api = tradeapi.REST(self.api_key, self.api_secret, self.api_base_url, api_version='v2')
    # Load the trained model
    self.agent.load(load_dir=self.cwd, net_dim=self.net_dim, state_dim=self.state_dim, action_dim=self.action_dim)

def get_latest_data(self):
    # Retrieve the latest market data
    barset = self.api.get_barset(self.ticker_list, self.time_interval, limit=1)
    data = {ticker: barset[ticker][0].c for ticker in self.ticker_list}
    # You may want to calculate technical indicators here if needed
    return pd.DataFrame([data])

def execute_trade(self, state, actions):
    # Execute the trade based on the model's predicted actions
    for i, ticker in enumerate(self.ticker_list):
        action = actions[i]
        if action > 0:  # Buy signal
        elif action < 0:  # Sell signal

def run(self):
    while True:
        # Get the latest market data
        state = self.get_latest_data()
        # Check turbulence condition
        if state['turbulence'] > self.turbulence_thresh:
            print("Turbulence detected, holding positions.")
            time.sleep(60)  # Wait before checking again
        # Get actions from the model
        actions = self.agent.select_action(state)
        # Execute the trade
        self.execute_trade(state, actions)
        # Sleep for the specified latency
        if self.latency:

Example usage

if name == "main": ticker_list = ["AAPL", "TSLA"] time_interval = "1Min" drl_lib = "finrl" agent = None # Assuming you have already instantiated your agent here cwd = "./trained_model" # Path to the trained model directory net_dim = 256 state_dim = 30 action_dim = len(ticker_list) API_KEY = "your_alpaca_api_key" API_SECRET = "your_alpaca_secret_key" API_BASE_URL = "" tech_indicator_list = ["macd", "rsi", "cci", "dx"]

alpaca_trader = AlpacaPaperTrading(
    ticker_list, time_interval, drl_lib, agent, cwd, net_dim, 
    state_dim, action_dim, API_KEY, API_SECRET, 
    API_BASE_URL, tech_indicator_list, turbulence_thresh=30, 
    max_stock=1e2, latency=60

### Key Components:
1. **Alpaca API Integration**: The class initializes an Alpaca API client using the provided API keys and URL.
2. **Loading Pretrained Model**: The pretrained model is loaded from the specified directory (`cwd`).
3. **Data Retrieval**: The `get_latest_data` method retrieves the latest market data for the specified tickers.
4. **Trading Logic**: The `execute_trade` method sends buy/sell orders to Alpaca based on the model's predictions.
5. **Execution Loop**: The `run` method continuously fetches market data, checks for turbulence, and executes trades.

### Real-World Usage:
This class would be used in a real-world trading setup after training and backtesting a model with FINRL. The `agent` should be an instance of the trained reinforcement learning model capable of making predictions based on the latest market data.

The pretrained model is stored in the `TRAINED_MODEL_DIR` folder. This is the directory where the trained model weights and configuration are saved after the training process is complete. 

In the example code, `cwd` should be set to the path of the `TRAINED_MODEL_DIR` folder, where your model was saved after training. Here's how you can update the code accordingly:

cwd = "./trained_model"  # Path to the TRAINED_MODEL_DIR where the model is saved

Set up specific directories for different types of data, such as:

  • DATA_SAVE_DIR: for saving raw or processed data.
  • TRAINED_MODEL_DIR: for saving the trained model.
  • TENSORBOARD_LOG_DIR: for logging TensorBoard metrics.
  • RESULTS_DIR: for saving final results or evaluation metrics.

Make sure to set cwd to TRAINED_MODEL_DIR where the model is saved.

You can customize and extend this code further based on your specific requirements and trading strategies.


The error you're encountering occurs because agent is set to None, and you're trying to call the load method on it. This happens because the agent should be an instance of your trained model, not None.

To fix this issue, you need to ensure that agent is properly instantiated with your trained model before calling the load method. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Instantiate the Agent

The agent needs to be created using the same DRL (Deep Reinforcement Learning) library you used for training. Depending on your setup, this might involve loading a specific class from FINRL or another DRL library.

Example for a Common DRL Library (e.g., PPO, DDPG, etc.)

If you used PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) for training, you might instantiate the agent like this:

from finrl.agents.stablebaselines3.models import DRLAgent

# Instantiate the agent
# drl_agent = DRLAgent(env=None)  # Pass the environment if required
# agent = drl_agent.get_model("ppo")  # Use the model you trained with, e.g., "ppo"

Step 2: Update the AlpacaPaperTrading Initialization

Replace the None value of agent with the instantiated agent before passing it to AlpacaPaperTrading:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ticker_list = ["AAPL", "TSLA"]
    time_interval = "1Min"
    drl_lib = "finrl"
    cwd = "./trained_model"  # Path to the TRAINED_MODEL_DIR where the model is saved
    net_dim = 256
    state_dim = 30
    action_dim = len(ticker_list)
    API_KEY = "your_alpaca_api_key"
    API_SECRET = "your_alpaca_secret_key"
    API_BASE_URL = ""
    tech_indicator_list = ["macd", "rsi", "cci", "dx"]

    # Instantiate the DRL agent
    # drl_agent = DRLAgent(env=None)  # Provide the environment if needed
    # agent = drl_agent.get_model("ppo")  # Use the model you trained with

    # Initialize AlpacaPaperTrading
    alpaca_trader = AlpacaPaperTrading(
        ticker_list, time_interval, drl_lib, agent, cwd, net_dim, 
        state_dim, action_dim, API_KEY, API_SECRET, 
        API_BASE_URL, tech_indicator_list, turbulence_thresh=30, 
        max_stock=1e2, latency=60

Step 3: Ensure the Environment is Correct

If the agent requires an environment to function, make sure to initialize it correctly. The environment should be the same type as what you used during training.


The key issue was that agent was None, leading to an AttributeError when trying to call load. How to instantiating the agent from the the pretrained model folder before using it in AlpacaPaperTrading, you should be able to resolve this issue.

+++++++ To instantiate an agent from the pretrained model saved in the TRAINED_MODEL_DIR folder, you'll need to load the model from that directory. The process typically involves initializing the agent with the appropriate model class (e.g., PPO, DDPG) and then loading the saved model parameters.

Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Import the Necessary Libraries

Make sure you import the required libraries from your DRL framework. For example, if you used stable-baselines3, you would import the specific model class you used during training.

from stable_baselines3 import PPO  # or the specific algorithm you used

Step 2: Instantiate the Agent and Load the Pretrained Model

You can instantiate the agent and then load the pretrained model from the TRAINED_MODEL_DIR folder.

import os

# Define the path to your trained model
trained_model_dir = "./TRAINED_MODEL_DIR"
model_path = os.path.join(trained_model_dir, "")  # Assuming the model was saved as ''

# Instantiate the agent
agent = PPO.load(model_path)  # Replace PPO with the algorithm you used, e.g., DDPG, SAC, etc.

Step 3: Use the Loaded Agent

Once the agent is loaded, you can use it in your AlpacaPaperTrading class as shown in the example code.

Example Code with Integration:

from stable_baselines3 import PPO  # or your specific DRL algorithm
import os

class AlpacaPaperTrading:
    def __init__(self, ticker_list, time_interval, drl_lib, agent, cwd, net_dim, 
                 state_dim, action_dim, API_KEY, API_SECRET, 
                 API_BASE_URL, tech_indicator_list, turbulence_thresh=30, 
                 max_stock=1e2, latency=None):
        # Initialization code here
        self.agent = agent  # Use the preloaded agent
        # Additional initialization code...

    # Your existing methods...

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ticker_list = ["AAPL", "TSLA"]
    time_interval = "1Min"
    drl_lib = "finrl"
    cwd = "./TRAINED_MODEL_DIR"  # Path to the TRAINED_MODEL_DIR where the model is saved
    net_dim =   256
    state_dim = 30
    action_dim = len(ticker_list)
    API_KEY = "your_alpaca_api_key"
    API_SECRET = "your_alpaca_secret_key"
    API_BASE_URL = ""
    tech_indicator_list = ["macd", "rsi", "cci", "dx"]
    # Load the pretrained model
    model_path = os.path.join(cwd, "")  # Ensure this matches your saved model file name
    agent = PPO.load(model_path)  # Replace PPO with your algorithm if different
    # Initialize AlpacaPaperTrading with the loaded agent
    alpaca_trader = AlpacaPaperTrading(
        ticker_list, time_interval, drl_lib, agent, cwd, net_dim, 
        state_dim, action_dim, API_KEY, API_SECRET, 
        API_BASE_URL, tech_indicator_list, turbulence_thresh=30, 
        max_stock=1e2, latency=60


  1. Model Path: Ensure the model_path points to the correct file within TRAINED_MODEL_DIR. Typically, the model is saved as a .zip file, like

  2. Algorithm Class: Replace PPO with the specific algorithm you used during training if it's different (e.g., DDPG, SAC).

  3. Environment Dependency: If your model depends on an environment, you may need to provide the environment instance when loading the model. However, in many cases, the environment is not required at the prediction stage.

This approach should allow you to load your pretrained model and integrate it into your trading logic using the AlpacaPaperTrading class. +++++++++++++++ To retrieve the RLAgent from files stored in the directories like DATA_SAVE_DIR, TRAINED_MODEL_DIR, TENSORBOARD_LOG_DIR, or RESULTS_DIR, you primarily need to focus on the TRAINED_MODEL_DIR. This directory typically contains the model files saved after training, which you can load into an RLAgent.

Here’s how you can retrieve the agent:

1. Loading the Agent from TRAINED_MODEL_DIR:

The TRAINED_MODEL_DIR typically contains the model checkpoint (e.g., a .zip file) that stores the weights and other configurations of the trained agent. You can load this model into an RLAgent.

Example Using stable-baselines3:

from stable_baselines3 import PPO  # Replace PPO with your algorithm if different
import os

# Define the path to the trained model
trained_model_dir = "./TRAINED_MODEL_DIR"
model_path = os.path.join(trained_model_dir, "")  # Assuming the model was saved as ''

# Load the trained model into the RLAgent
agent = PPO.load(model_path)  # Replace PPO with your specific RL algorithm

# The agent is now loaded and can be used for inference

2. Understanding the Other Directories:

  • DATA_SAVE_DIR: This directory typically contains data related to the environment or training process (e.g., historical market data, processed features). It’s generally not used to store models but rather the input data.

  • TENSORBOARD_LOG_DIR: This directory stores TensorBoard logs, which are used for visualizing the training process (e.g., loss curves, reward trends). It does not contain the trained models themselves.

  • RESULTS_DIR: This directory might contain the final results of your training, including evaluation metrics or visualizations, but it typically doesn't store the trained model unless explicitly saved there.

3. Retrieving Additional Information from Other Directories:

While the model itself is retrieved from TRAINED_MODEL_DIR, you might need to load additional data or configurations from other directories depending on your setup.

Example (Loading Additional Data):

# Example of loading additional data (if required) from DATA_SAVE_DIR
data_save_dir = "./DATA_SAVE_DIR"
data_path = os.path.join(data_save_dir, "processed_data.pkl")  # Example data file

# Load the data if needed for inference
import pickle
with open(data_path, "rb") as file:
    data = pickle.load(file)

4. Complete Integration:

If your setup requires information from multiple directories, ensure you combine them as needed when reloading the agent and performing inference or trading actions.


  • Retrieve the trained agent from TRAINED_MODEL_DIR using the specific RL algorithm's .load() method.
  • Use other directories (DATA_SAVE_DIR, TENSORBOARD_LOG_DIR, RESULTS_DIR) as needed to supplement the agent's functionality, such as loading additional data or configurations.

If your RL framework differs or has specific requirements, you may need to adjust the process accordingly.

To retrieve the RLAgent from files stored in the directories like DATA_SAVE_DIR, TRAINED_MODEL_DIR, TENSORBOARD_LOG_DIR, or RESULTS_DIR, you primarily need to focus on the TRAINED_MODEL_DIR. This directory typically contains the model files saved after training, which you can load into an RLAgent.

Here’s how you can retrieve the agent:

1. Loading the Agent from TRAINED_MODEL_DIR:

The TRAINED_MODEL_DIR typically contains the model checkpoint (e.g., a .zip file) that stores the weights and other configurations of the trained agent. You can load this model into an RLAgent.

Example Using stable-baselines3:

from stable_baselines3 import PPO  # Replace PPO with your algorithm if different
import os

# Define the path to the trained model
trained_model_dir = "./TRAINED_MODEL_DIR"
model_path = os.path.join(trained_model_dir, "")  # Assuming the model was saved as ''

# Load the trained model into the RLAgent
agent = PPO.load(model_path)  # Replace PPO with your specific RL algorithm

# The agent is now loaded and can be used for inference

2. Understanding the Other Directories:

  • DATA_SAVE_DIR: This directory typically contains data related to the environment or training process (e.g., historical market data, processed features). It’s generally not used to store models but rather the input data.

  • TENSORBOARD_LOG_DIR: This directory stores TensorBoard logs, which are used for visualizing the training process (e.g., loss curves, reward trends). It does not contain the trained models themselves.

  • RESULTS_DIR: This directory might contain the final results of your training, including evaluation metrics or visualizations, but it typically doesn't store the trained model unless explicitly saved there.

3. Retrieving Additional Information from Other Directories:

While the model itself is retrieved from TRAINED_MODEL_DIR, you might need to load additional data or configurations from other directories depending on your setup.

To find the best real-time Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) trading GitHub repository for Alpaca's paper trading, you might want to consider the following popular repositories:

To find the best real-time Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) trading GitHub repository for Alpaca's paper trading, you might want to consider the following popular repositories:

  1. FinRL: This is one of the most comprehensive repositories for DRL in financial trading. It includes various DRL algorithms and can be integrated with Alpaca for real-time paper trading. The repository is well-documented and provides several examples.

  2. Stable-Baselines3 + Alpaca: This repository is not specifically for Alpaca, but it integrates well with it. Combining Stable-Baselines3 with Alpaca's API, you can create a custom DRL model for trading. This approach gives more flexibility and control over your trading strategy.

  3. RLTrader: Although initially developed for cryptocurrency trading, this repository can be adapted for stock trading with Alpaca by modifying the environment and action spaces. It uses DRL techniques and can be extended for real-time trading.

  4. Alpaca-Trading: A smaller but focused repository on trading with Alpaca using reinforcement learning. It might not be as comprehensive as FinRL but offers a good starting point for those interested in DRL with Alpaca.

If you're looking for the most active and feature-rich option, FinRL is probably your best bet. It has extensive support, regular updates, and active community engagement.

Would you like help setting up or exploring one of these repositories further?