Test it at : Netlify Deployment
- User searches for a Finnish station (needs exact matches, no autocomplete)
- Retrieves current trains arriving and departing on that station.
- User can change the view (departed/arriving) with tabs.
- Shows the next trains (max 10, usually ~8).
Only Finnish localisation for now.
- Go to: Netlify Deployment
- Write a name of a Finnish city (with a train station) to the search (correct spelling and all that).
- Press enter or click 'Saapuvat'/'Lähtevät'
- React
- Bootstrapped with Create React App.
- Single file: src/App.js (style-sheet in src/App.css)
- clone: https://github.com/joonatank/train_front.git
- command line: go to the app folder
- run: npm install
- run: npm start
- browser: http://localhost:3000
- Fork this git repo in Github
- Log in to Netlify
- Deploy project from Github
- build command: npm run build
- publish directory: build/
- Search input only accepts exact matches (case insensitive)
- Search input can only be submitted by pressing Enter (or clicking the view tabs)
- No suggestions or autocomplete in the search
- Mobile version is horrible
- it's not well designed -> you need to scroll to both directions
- it's not properly scaled
- you can't submit form (no button, no enter)
- time display is wrong (part of minutes is missing)
- train numbers line break odly
- No tests