About Me in German, (über mich auf Deutsch)
👋 Hi, I’m @josy1024
👀 interested in: standup paddle boarding, mtb to slacklineing, diy-projecs, cnc milling, playing guitar and ukulele
🌱 i'm currently learning how to deal with parenting, c#, creating custom minecraft packs
I am doing "Information Technology" at gugler medien gmbh (Enable People using Technology) currently living in Mühldorf, Österreich
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on homeassistent and smartmeter integration home-automation-guide...
have beginner experiences in 🏄♂️surfing and kayak.
📫 If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to say hello through any of the social links below.
my Current / Preferred Tech Stack Knowledge:
- Windows: HyperV, Microsoft365
- Linux: Centos, Rocky, PuppetLabs, Podman, Raspian, Apache, LAMP
- Data: MSSQL, MYSQL, PowerBI
- Code: vscode, Powershell, c#, SQL, REST/API, JSON, gohugo
- Service & Monitoring: Icinga, Otrs
- LineOfBusiness: Printplus.ch, BMD.com
- Security, Network: Fortinet, Cisco, Defender, iptables
some time ago:
- 2000: HTBLuVA St Pölten Abteilung Elektrotechnik
- 2009: Microsoft Certified System Administrator, Microsoft Certified System Engineer
- 2015: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions