Containerized sample Nim application powered by Prologue.
We deploy the application to AWS App Runner and proxy traffic to it via Cloudflare.
docker build -t nim-app:v1 .
docker run --init -it -p 8080:8080 --rm nim-app:v1
ℹ️ This requires an AWS account and will incur some App Runner and ECR costs.
Create AWS ECR repository to host the container images
ℹ️ We configure ECR image tags as MUTABLE, to leverage the App Runner autodeployment feature
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file aws/ecr-repo.yml --stack-name nim-app-ecr --parameter-overrides Name=nim-app ecr_repository="$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name nim-app-ecr | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey == "Uri") | .OutputValue')" ecr_registry="${ecr_repository%%/nim-app}"
Build, tag and push the docker image to the ECR repository
aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ecr_registry docker build -t nim-app:v1 . docker tag nim-app:v1 $ecr_repository:v1 docker push $ecr_repository:v1
Deploy the app as AWS App Runner service
ℹ️ We create the autoscaling configuration using AWS CLI, because CloudFormation does not yet support this functionality
autoscaling_config_arn="$(aws apprunner create-auto-scaling-configuration --auto-scaling-configuration-name nim-app \ --max-concurrency 100 --min-size 1 --max-size 2 | jq -r '.AutoScalingConfiguration.AutoScalingConfigurationArn')" aws cloudformation deploy --template-file aws/app-runner.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \ --stack-name nim-app-runner --parameter-overrides Image="$ecr_repository:v1" AutoScalingConfigArn=$autoscaling_config_arn service_arn="$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name nim-app-runner | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey == "Arn") | .OutputValue')" echo "Service URL: https://$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name nim-app-runner | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey == "Url") | .OutputValue')"
Try changing the
handler code in src/app.nim, then build, tag and push thev1
image again, and observe result
This requires a Cloudflare account and website.
Associate custom DNS domain (e.g.
) to the App Runner serviceℹ️ We use AWS CLI here, because CloudFormation does not yet support this functionality
aws apprunner associate-custom-domain --service-arn $service_arn --domain-name <domain> --no-enable-www-subdomain aws apprunner describe-custom-domains --service-arn $service_arn | jq -r '.CustomDomains[0].CertificateValidationRecords[]'
Create DNS records in Cloudflare DNS and configure SSL/TLS
- Login to Cloudflare dashboard
- Navigate to
→ DNS → Records - Select
Add record
and create aDNS Only
CNAME record for all the validation records from step 1 - Select
Add record
and create aProxied
(orange clouded) CNAME record for<domain>
, pointing to the App Runner service URL - Navigate to
→ SSL/TLS → Overview - Ensure that encryption mode is
Full (strict)
Test the app at
Delete Cloudflare DNS records
- Login to Cloudflare dashboard
- Navigate to
→ DNS → Records - Delete the associated certificate validation and proxy CNAME records
Remove AWS resources
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name nim-app-runner aws cloudformation wait stack-delete-complete --stack-name nim-app-runner aws apprunner delete-auto-scaling-configuration --auto-scaling-configuration-arn $autoscaling_config_arn for digest in $(aws ecr list-images --repository-name nim-app | jq -r '.imageIds[].imageDigest'); do aws ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name nim-app --image-ids imageDigest=$digest done aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name nim-app-ecr aws cloudformation wait stack-delete-complete --stack-name nim-app-ecr
- Explore use of AWS C++ SDK from Nim (calling e.g. DynamoDB)