An exploration of couchdb, node and javascript inside Docker Microservices. This project forms the basis for an investigation of nosql without that pesky CORS getting in the way.
cp env_example .env
docker-compose up
firefox http://localhost/frontend/
- http://localhost/frontend/ - html/css/js environment that will use Fetch API to access couchdb
- http://localhost/backend/index.js - node application with will proxy couch requests and maintian auth access
- http://localhost/couchdb/\_utils/ - http endpint with a RESTful webserivice built-in
- ./frontend - Vanilla JS experience
- ./backend - Vanilla Node JS experience
- ./couchdb - configuration and data for persistence
- Build shopping catalog with products and categories
- Build a shopping cart experience that stores product choices on a per-user basis
- Build a login/registration system that can attach to the cart document in couchdb
- Build a checkout model that will attach invoices of cart items and flush cart when done
- frontend container has no npm executable, may need this just like backend...