| W O R D P R E S S
| D O C K E R
| D E P L O Y
- develop a persistent service with an epheremal microservice
- maintain dev, staging and production with a single platform
- automate backup by pushing configuration & content to a git repository TODO
- docker, docker-compose
- composer, wp-cli, wordpress
- linux, bash
- /wp-content - A direct copy of Wordpress custom configurations
- /sql - Database dump WordPress
See Dockerfile & docker-compose
docker system prune // remove all persistence
eocker-compose build
docker-compose up
- develop cron event to export configurations & content
- push to a private repository
- remove passwords from implementation
#EXPORT these ENV variables in the gcloud shell
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: "/usr/local/lib"
#beta test script
#goto wordpress folder
cd /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs
#install git
apt-get install git --force-yes
git clone https://github.com/jptafe/wpsie
#update wp
wp core update
wp plugin update --all
mkdir my_new_wp_project
cd my_new_wp_project
composer init -n
composer require wp-cli/wp-cli-bundle
wp core download
mysql -u root -e 'create database my_wp'
#mysql -u root -e "grant all privileges on my_wp.* To sombody@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'pass'"
./wp config create --dbname="my_wp" --dbuser="root" --dbpass="" --dbhost="localhost"
./wp core install --url="http://localhost:8080" --title="Blog Title" --admin_user="admon" --admin_password="enter_your_password" --admin_email="[email protected]"
./wp plugin install woocommerce
./wp plugin activate woocommerce
./wp db export
#backup wp-content/uploads #folder
wp core update
wp plugin update --all
./wp db import
wp search-replace "http://dev:8080" "http://prod:9090"