The following will deploy a 4-tiered SIWAPP instance to vCenter or AWS. You can deploy as many SIWAPP instances as necessary
Dependency: DHCP must be present within a port-group in vCenter for deploying SIWAPP
- Build an Ubuntu 20.04 machine with 2vCPU, 4G RAM, and min. 64GB HDD
- Run the following commands. These will install any dependencies and the semaphore application + configuration:
wget && chmod +x
wget && chmod +x
sudo bash
sudo bash
- Open a webbrower and go to http://[localip]:3000
- Login with user1/user1
- Navigate to Inventory(left side)-->edit the local host entry (pencil icon)
- Change the ansible username and ssh password to the root credentials of your ubuntu box's local account.
Click on Task Templates, and run the 'Deploy Siwapp' job
- Fill in the information within the menu. Try to use the IP address of your vCenter server
- After this is complete you should see the VM's in your vCenter inventory, and you should be able to browse to the IP address of the app-lb machine, and login with siwapp/siwapp
- Run the Deploy Load Generator Task Template. This will turn your local ubuntu box into a load-generator for the siwapp instances. It will install microk8s, and run the load-gen containers.
Dependency: AWS Key Pair generated, S3 bucket for flow logs created, AWS API access credentials (access id and secret key) NOTE: MUST deploy in us-east-1 currently. The key pair, and s3 bucket must also reside in us-east-1