This projects installs OpenStack Havana via Devstack on an official Ubuntu 12.04 LTS image.
You need the following prerequisites:
- Virtualbox 4.2 or VMware Fusion >5.04
- Vagrant 1.3.5 (with VMware provider)
- at least 2GB free memory
Run vagrant up
(for VMware vagrant up --provider vmware_fusion
) and get a cup of tee. After a couple of minutes the system is up and you are able to log into Open Stack via
. Use the following credentials:
user: admin
password: devstack
After a successful run you should see something like: completed in 941 seconds.
After you created a new machine, ensure you have created rules for access properly
# Add tcp/22 and icmp to default security group
nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 22 22
nova secgroup-add-rule default icmp -1 -1
You should size up the memory of the vm if possible. Edit the Vagrantfile
p.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "2048"]
Thanks to all contributors of OpenStack and Devstack.
- Christoph Hartmann