Hello, world! Greetings from the Atlanta (GA, US) region!
Me? https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-beckenbach-6643331/
Long-serving polyglot software-system developer/tester/admin, mostly Unixen. Played on all levels of infrastructure, from voltage on up. (I helped decommission the ARPAnet in the 1980's, if that orients you.)
Career mostly technical, with some entrepreneurial meanderings. Hobbies mostly non-technical, running non-profits and abetting personal growth.
Aggregate excess benefit provided to my clients and employers > +1.00e9 USD. This includes cutting three months off an operating system release, and defending a million-dollar-a-day revenue stream for nine months.
Agile coach, mentor; proponent since before Agile grew big. Have taught Scrum, and used that, Extreme Programming, and other variants.
Have used over a dozen computer languages for pay, including Ruby, Perl, C++, C, Java, FORTH, shells, and several assembly. Currently prefer working within Debian (Linux), Rails (Ruby), Perl ecosystems.
2019-11: experimenting with products on iOS, MacOS, Linux platforms