This is a bundle of scripts designed to manipulate fastq and fastq files.
- fq_fakeqv
- fq_split
- fq_translate
- fq_smarttrim
- randseq
And useful scripts from other devs:
This tool allows you to transform a fasta file into fastq by generating simulated quality values. You can also include gaussian noise into the quality value.
This tool splits a single genome fasta file into ordered read with overlap.
This program trims a fasta/fastq file by dividing its largest reads into multiple reads of maximum length and possible overlap.
This script can translate the quality values from illumina 1.5 to illumina 1.8, and vice-versa.
This tool samples random reads from a single genome fasta file (similar to fq_split, but random).
This program downloads the genome file corresponding to a Genbank ID and displays it in the correct format.