Webpack plugin to set budget on individual bundle file.
Install the plugin with npm:
$ npm install --save-dev @js-factory/perf-budget-webpack-plugin
const PerfBudgetWebpackPlugin = require("@js-factory/perf-budget-webpack-plugin");
const webpackConfig = {
entry: "index.js",
output: {
path: "dist",
filename: "bundle.js"
plugins: [
new PerfBudgetWebpackPlugin({
main: { // Chunk Name
js: 20000,
css: 1000 // CSS Extracted using extract plugin for each chunk
dynamicImportChunkName1: {
js: 10000 // Size in bytes
dynamicImportChunkName2: {
js: 10000 // Size in bytes
Performance budget requires to set the budget on important files separately.
Here, we can set that individually based on js as well as css.