A web application to register sex offenders and keep records. One can only view and query but authorised users can make changes.
This was my final year project so please don't laugh at the design. I have elevated and yes I too am amazed at what I presented.
Good stuff though. It works Infact here is what it does:
Register Sex offenders
Query Sex Offenders
Basically testing CRUD ops with this.
I hope you have PHP installed in your machine , Also XAMP. Clone this baby.
git clone https://github.com/juma-h/Sex-Offender-Registry.git
So you need to do some stuff.
In the project dir ,do this
php -S localhost:8000
This is to start the thing idk the sequence man , its been long.
On the XAMP thing , make sure to start Apache port 80, 443 and MySQL port 3306.
Then check the localhost:8000.
I hope you have also imported the "perv_db.sql" on the phpmyadmin.
This will enable you to see the records and be able to login, register a perv 🙂
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.