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@junegunn junegunn released this 22 May 04:25
· 1169 commits to master since this release
  • Added unbind action. In the following Ripgrep launcher example, you can use unbind(reload) to switch to fzf-only filtering mode.
  • Vim plugin
    • Vim plugin will stop immediately even when the source command hasn't finished
      " fzf will read the stream file while allowing other processes to append to it
      call fzf#run(fzf#wrap({'source': 'cat /dev/null > /tmp/stream; tail -f /tmp/stream'}))
    • It is now possible to open popup window relative to the currrent window
      let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.9, 'height': 0.6, 'relative': v:true, 'yoffset': 1.0 } }